Fights and a New guy

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I sat there in shock.

"Umm... I have to get Joey Umm... Some fresh air.. Yeah that." I picked up Joey off the ground and went outside. I sat in the rocking bench with Joey in my lap. I pulled out my phone and called Carson.

"Hello." he said.

"Hey, do you want to help babysit?" I asked.

"Yeah sure!" he replied.

"Okay cool." I hung up and took Joey back inside.

"I'm so sorry. Didn't mean to kiss you on the cheek." he said apologetically.

"It's fine."

"I seriously hope this doesn't effect our friendship."

"It won't."

"So what now?" he asked.

"Umm, I asked Carson to come over."


"I'm sorry, but I started to feel like this was getting awkward."

"Awkward? Well, if it's awkward to be around me, I'm leaving."

"That's not what I meant!"

"Then what do you mean?" he asked, while shoving me a little.

"Just go." I said, while making fists. He looked at me for a moment, he walked to the door and left.

"I'm sorry for him Joey."

~10 minutes later~

I heard the doorbell ring. I got off the couch and opened the door.

"Hey!" He smiled. I waved. He picked up Joey and sat on the couch. My mom walked into the room.

"I'm back!" She took Joey from the couch.

"Did you have help?" she asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Wanna come to a friend's house with me?"Carson asked.

"Sure." We walked for a couple of blocks and we walked into a driveway. A boy came out of the house.

"Carson!" the boy yelled.

"Johnny!" Carson yelled back. They did a handshake. Johnny looked at me.

"Hey." he greeted.

You: "Hey." I greeted back.

"Carson and I are about to do a YouTube video. Do you want to join us?" he asked me.


{What do you guy think Rachell will say?? Hope you enjoy the chapter.}

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