Hide and Seek

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Rachell's POV

Here is a recap that has happened in the past couple of weeks:

1) My ex-boyfriend, Jake, made a surprise visit and tried to ruin my relationship with Carson.

2) A new girl, Leticia, who's now my friend, moved next door. And Jordyn and I ship her and Hayden.

Okay, now that is over with, let's continue on with the story.


Mom: "Can you watch Joey?" 

Jordyn: "Omg yes!" 

Me: "Of course." My mom handed me Joey. 

Mom: "Ok I'll be going to the store. Do you girls want anything from the store?" 

Me: "Food." Jordyn and I chuckled. My mom laughed and nodded. She grabbed her purse and walked out. I laid Joey on the floor and turned on Mickey Mouse Club House. 

Jordyn: "This is my first time babysitting your little brother!" 

Me: "Yeah, you seem excited." 

Jordyn: "Yeah I am! I wanted to help that one time with you and Nathan, but I had to go to dance class." 

Me: "Oh yeah, I remember that day. You left me alone with Nathan." 

Jordyn: "Yeah, sorry about that. At least nothing happened." I thought back to when he kissed me on the cheek and everything went awkward. 

Me: "Yeah..." Joey got up and crawled over to the iPad. 

Jordyn: "How old is he?" 

Me: "Three." 

Jordyn: "Three? And yet he is using technology?" 

Me: "I know right?! Kids have it good these days!" We laughed. 

Jordyn: "I saw your video with Carson."

Me: "You did?" 

Jordyn: "Yeah and I didn't know you dyed your hair." 

Me: "Oh, yeah I did." 

Jordyn: "Why did you get rid of your dirty blonde hair?" 

Me: "I don't know, but I'm thinking on going back to dirty blonde." She nodded. I heard the doorbell ring. 

Me: "Can you help him on the iPad?" 

Jordyn: "Yeah, of course." 

Me: "Thanks." I got up and went to the door. I opened it and saw Carson. 

Me: "Hey." I smiled and moved out of the way. He came in and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. 

Carson: "Hey babe." 

Me: "What's up?" I said, while closing the door behind him. 

Carson: "Nothing much. I decided to come over and see my beautiful girl." I smiled, while blushing like crazy. 

Carson: "What about you?" 

Me: "Just babysitting Joey with Jordyn." We walked back to the living room. I saw Joey sitting in Jordyn's lap and they were taking funny selfies? 

Me: "What are you two doing?" I chuckled, but with curiosity. 

Jordyn: "Taking weird selfies." I sat down on the couch watching them. Carson sat beside me and changed the channel. I heard my phone buzz and I took it out. It was a text message from Leticia. "Hey, I was wondering if you and Jordyn would like to come to my house for a sleepover? 💕" I looked up and tapped Jordyn on the shoulder. She turned around. 

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