First Underwater Kiss???

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Rachell's POV 

Dylan: "You should get washed off." 

Carson: "Yeah, where's your hose?" 

Me: "Over there." I pointed by the shed. 

Carson: "Thanks." He walked over. 

Luke: "Welcome back." 

Me: "Thanks." He gave me a hug. 

Luke: "You deserve a brand new hat." 

Me: "Wait what?" He quickly put the cheese bucket on my head. 

Me: "Eww gross." I said, while taking the bucket off. I playfully slapped him. 

Hayden: "I see the sibling love." He laughed. Luke and I looked at each other in a devious way. Luke grabbed Hayden's upper body and I grabbed his legs. 

Luke: "And there is the sibling power, where the siblings team up on people." We walked him over to the pool. 

Hayden: "Guys, I was kidding! If you love me, you won't do this!" 

Me: "I love you, Hayden. But loving you won't stop me from throwing you in the pool." 

Dylan: "Ohhh!" Luke and I swung Hayden and released him. He splashed into the pool. He resurfaced. 

Hayden: "You love me?" He said happy/surprised. 

Me: "As a brother! Don't get the wrong idea." 

Jordyn: "The cheese is stringing from your hair." 

Me: "That's disgusting. I'm going to wash off." I walked over to Carson. 

Me: "You're not even close to being cheeseless." He laughed. 

Carson: "Yeah, what's with your hair?" 

Me: "Luke put the bucket on my head." 

Carson: "Oh. Here, I'll wash it off." He aimed the hose at me and pulled the trigger. Water splashed all over me. I gasped. 

Me: "Carson! My hair is the only thing that needs to be washed!" 

Carson: "Oops sorry." I quickly grabbed the hose from his hand and turned the water to cold. I started squirting him. 

Carson: "Oh my gosh! The water is cold!" 

Me: "Yep." 

Carson: "Rach, please stop!" I stopped squirting him and I bent down to rinse my hair. 

Carson: "That water is freezing." 

Me: "Oops sorry." I mimicked his voice. 

Carson: "Cute." I chuckled. I handed Carson the hose. 

Me: "Have fun." I said, while turning around. 

Carson: "Oh, I will." 

Me: "What?" I said, while turning back around to face him. Right when I turned around, I got sprayed in the face with water. I put up my hands to protect my face. I heard Carson laughing evilly. 

Me: "This isn't funny!" 

Carson: "Yes it is!" I turned around and ran away. 

Carson: "Hey get back here!" 

Me: "Nah!" 

Carson: "Dylan, grab her!" I saw Dylan waiting for me to come to him. 

Me: "Jordyn, help!" Jordyn quickly pushed Dylan into the pool. 

Me: "Nice one!" I said, while running past her. 

Jordyn: "Thanks!" I looked behind me and saw wet, cheesy Carson gaining on me and pushing Jordyn into the pool. Poor Jordyn. At least I won't get pushed into the pool. Someone grabbed my leg and pulled me into the water. Of course, right when I said that, I get pulled in... Wow. I resurfaced and saw Luke grinning. 

Me: "You're a butt hole." I said, while splashing water in his face. 

Luke: "Haha, that was hilarious!" Carson jumped into the water behind me and grabbed my waist, pulling me under. He sunk all the way to the bottom. He turned me around so I was facing him. I saw him talking underwater. I shrugged my shoulders. Telling him that I have no idea on what he is saying. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me closer. Our faces were one inch apart. This is it, our first underwater kiss. He started leaning in. I closed my eyes waiting for him to kiss me.

{Cliff hanger! Will they get the chance to have their first underwater kiss or will something stop them???????????? 😏😏 In order to answer this question correctly, you have to remember what happened in the last chapter. This is not a trick question or is it??? 😏😂 Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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