Did He Just Die?!

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"Alright, calm down girls." Liam laughed.

"Sorry, we're just so happy!" I stated. He laughed.

"Well, I guess we're done so see ya." He said, waving goodbye. Jordyn and I walked out and met up with my mom.

"Let's go to the beach with the guys!" Jordyn said.


~1 hour later~
I laid on my towel and flipped through a magazine. Dylan walked up to me and sat down beside me.

"Let's go jet skiing!" He said.

"Oh my god, yes!" We both got up and ran over to the jet skis.

"Hello." The man said, smiling.

"Two jet skis please." Dylan said.

Okay." He handed us the keys and life jackets. Another man came and they pushed the jets skis into the water.

"Have fun and be careful." The man stated. We nodded and put on our life jackets.

"Whatcha doin'?" Jordyn asked, running towards us.

"Going jet skiing." I replied.

"Cool, where do get the jet skis?" she asked. I turned around and pointed to the place.

"Oh my god, I see him!" I said.

"Who?" Jordyn asked confused.

"Nathan..." I whispered. Nathan turned around and smiled at me. Oh no, is he getting a jet ski too? I quickly got on my and started riding.

"Why is that jerk face smiling at you?" Dylan asked, in disgust.

"He knows that Carson and I broke up but he doesn't know we got back together." I informed.

"Should we tell him?" Dylan asked.

"No, let's play along with his stupid plan." I said. He nodded.

"You know what will make him really mad?" Dylan asked smirking. I shook my head no.

"If you acted like you moved on and said you have a new boyfriend." Dylan said.

"Omg, yes! But who would be my new boyfriend?"

"Say it was me and this is a date."

"Alright." Nathan got on his jet ski and caught up with us.

"Hello." Nathan smiled.

"Hey... friend." I had a really hard time saying "friend" to him.

"How are you taking the break up?"

"I moved on." He smiled.

"That's good." He looked back at shore. I quickly made faces at him. Dylan started laughing. Nathan turned back around.

"What's so funny?" Nathan asked, confused.

"Oh, Nothing." Dylan said, trying to hold in his laughter.

"Okay, so Rachell if you moved on, are you willing to have another boyfriend?"  Nathan asked. Wow is he that desperate?! This is not how you get a girlfriend!

"Yes and I already have one." I pointed to Dylan.

"Oh." Dylan and I started to ride away, when Nathan jumped onto my jet ski.

"What the heck, Nathan?" I asked, in shock.

"Look, why did you pick him to be your boyfriend? I wanted to be your boyfriend!" Nathan stated.

"Because he is sweet, kind, and is funny. He'll laugh at my jokes, even if they aren't funny and he just gets me. Now get off!"

"Not until you break up with him!"

"You can't force me!"

"Why are you being so selfish!"

"That is stupid! You're the one who is desperate. You can't force a girl to break up with a guy that they love. That's not how you get a girlfriend." I said, while speeding up.

"Slow down!" Nathan demanded. Why did I become friends with this jerk? Yes I realize he was nice at first, but now it's like he is desperate and he would do anything to break my happiness with Carson. I slowed down and made a big turn. He fell off and splashed into the water.

"I'm so sorry." And yes, I actually meant it.

"It's fine. The water is nice, jump in!" Nathan said.

"Wanna jump in, Dylan?" I asked.

"Yea." he replied. I stood on the foot rest.

"Oh my god!" Nathan yelled. I quickly stopped myself and looked at Nathan confused.

"What?" I asked.

"I felt something touch my foot!" he said, with fear in his voice. I quickly looked at Dylan.

"Dude, get out now!" Dylan yelled. Nathan swam towards my jet ski. I saw a shark fin coming towards him.

"Nathan swim faster! There's a shark fin behind you!" I yelled. He looked behind him.

"Crap!" He swam faster but got pulled down in the water. My mouth hung open.

"Oh my god!"

"GO!" Dylan yelled. I started moving. I looked back and saw blood in the water. Oh my god, I caused his death... Dylan and I got to shore. I took off my life jacket and ran back to my towel. Jorydn looked up from her magazine.

"How was the ride?" Jordyn asked.

"It was awesome." Dylan said, with a fake smile.

"Except the fact Nathan got eaten by a shark." I informed.

"Oh my god," she said, in shock. "How did it happen?"

"Uhhh... He fell off a jet ski."

"Wow, he is clumsy." Jordyn said.

{So yeah, that happened... 😂 You have to give the people what they want and they wanted a shark to come for Nathan, so it happen. 😂 But hey, everyone doesn't like Nathan anyways, right? I was going to make Nathan's deaths with everyone's ideas like, falling off a building, getting ran over by a bus, and getting eaten by a shark. But it didn't quite work out. So I hope the shark thing was good enough. REMEMBER NATHAN IS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER! I WOULD NEVER WANT A SHARK TO COME FOR ANYONE! THIS IS FOR THE STORY. IT'S ALL MAKE BELIEVE.}

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