Cinco and Hurtful Words

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"Why hello there!" Maya said sarcastically.

"Umm, hi."

"I saw your little video with Johnny on Snapchat!"


"It was great until you started singing! I think you need more auto tune or maybe less auto tune!" She turned around and exited the restroom. I don't need autotune... Do I? I thought to myself. I walked out of the restroom and went back to my table. Carson was looking at me with a worried look on his face.

"So what will be your first cover on your new channel?" Johnny asked.

"I don't know yet." I quickly glanced at Carson. Yep he is still staring at me. After ten minutes we left and Darian drove me back home. I went up to my room. I flopped on my bed and laid on my stomach. "Ugh, why does Maya hate me!?" I yelled frustrated. All of a sudden, someone jumped on me.

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed. Blonde hair was dangling in my face. This is totally Jordyn! I pushed myself off of the bed and she fell off of me.

"Ow!" she yelled. I laughed, while helping her up.

"Don't scare me and that won't happen!" I said.

She laughed. "I overheard you saying something about Maya. What was it?" she asked.

"It was nothing, really."

"Okay, so Carson is performing at cinco tonight, wanna come with me and Nathan?"

"Omg, yes!"

"Okay, I'll call Nathan!"

~2 hours later~

"I'm so excited to see Carson perform!" I said while taking my seat in the front row.

"I know! He has been working really hard!" JOrdyn said excitedly.

"Nathan, are you okay? You haven't been talking the whole time." I asked.

"Yeah, it's just I'm so happy you forgave me and we are actually hanging out."

"I'm glad we are hanging out too." The lights turned off and Carson came on stage. Jordyn and I started screaming like fan girls. Carson smiled at us. The music started playing and he started singing. Carson sang three songs and left the stage. Jordyn, Nathan, and I went backstage.

"CARSON!!" Jordyn yelled. Carson turned around and ran towards us. I hugged him.

"You were awesome up there!" I said.


"Yeah, you were awesome." Nathan said.

"Thanks and I'm really sorry for umm, attacking you that night."

"It's cool."

Jordyn and Carson started talking in their own conservation.

"So I was wondering if you would want to come to my baseball game on Sunday, which is tomorrow?" he asked shyly.

I giggled. "I know tomorrow is Sunday."

"Yeah I was just making sure. you know."

"Right, well I would love to come to your baseball game."

"You would!" I nodded.

"Thank you!" He hugged me and spinned me around. I caught a glance of Carson staring at us. Oh boy, this is not going to be good. Two boys like me, do I even like them in that way?? I thought to myself.

{Does Rachell like them in that way?? Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 💖}

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