Beaches and Secrets

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Rachell's POV

"Huh?" I asked.

"I think I remember you!" he said happily.

"How? Just a minute ago you said you didn't?"

"I thought a little harder and all of the memories came back!"

"Well, that's awesome!"

"I know! I also remember Maya saying those things..."

"Uhh, yeah. Well I have to get back to Madison."

"Right, well it was nice remembering you again."

"Yeah, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see ya." he said, while hugging me. he got up and left.

"YES!!" I screamed. I heard someone running down the stairs.

"What's the matter? Do I need to call the doctor, your mom, or the police?" She said, panting. I laughed.

"Carson remembers me!"


"I know!"

~1 day later~

"Can you put sunscreen on my back, please?" Madison asked, holding out a bottle of sunscreen.

"Sure." She turned around and I rubbed some sunscreen on her.


"No problem." I laid down on my towel and grabbed out my phone. I turned on some music and enjoyed the sound of the ocean.

~20 minutes later~

"Hey, is it okay if me and my girlfriend sit beside you?" a boy asked.

"Yeah, sure." I replied.

"Cool, I'm Nic by the way." he greeted.

"I'm Rachell and this is Madison. Where's your girlfriend?" I asked, looking around.

"She's over there." he pointed behind him. He laid down his towel and sat down beside me. I grabbed a magazine and turned my music back on.

"Rachell!" a girl said. I looked up from my magazine and saw Jordyn.


"Nic, you picked a really nice spot!" She hugged him.

"Jordyn, Nic is your boyfriend?" I asked.


"That's awesome! You guys are adorable!"


"I'm going to get a slushie, anyone want anything?" Madison asked.

"I'll take a slushie too!" I said.

She nodded and left.

"So, do you have any original songs yet?" Jordyn asked me.

"Yes, I've written one song. All I have to do is record it."

"That's cool. What's it called?"

"The One I Let Get Away."

"Can you sing a verse?"

"Nope, you'll just have to wait until it comes out." I smirked.

"Ugh, fine."

"Here's your slushie." Madison said, handing me a slushie.

"Thanks, I promise I'll pay you back."

"No need. Think of it as a gift." I rolled my eyes.

"No I'm paying you back." She shook her head.

"So are you still sad about Carson?" Jordyn asked.


"You moved on?" she said in shocked.

"No, he stopped by my house and we talked and all of a sudden he remembered me."

She hugged me.

"That's amazing! Maybe now that he remembers you, he'll have the guts to ask yo-." She quickly covered her mouth.

"What?" I asked confused.


"Have the guts to ask me what?" I asked.

"Hey, Nic lets go in the water!" she said, avoiding the question. She got up and ran towards the ocean.

"I wonder what Carson wants to ask you?" Madison asked curiously.

"Same here."

{What is Carson going to ask her?? Drama and choices is coming really soon! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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