Johnny's Mission

949 14 6

Rachell's POV 

Here's another summary that hasn't been in the chapters, but has happened to move the story along;

1) Second day of school and I met this guy name, Corey.

2) I finally had my dad teach me how to drive. Picked up Jordyn and we got Starbucks, also figured out Corey works at Starbucks.

3) Carson ate a cricket. (Yeahhhh, I don't know why) 

Okay, now on with the story.


~3 days later~

Corey: "I'm so glad it's Friday!" 

Me: "I know, school is too much work." I chuckled. 

Corey: "I know, I wish I was homeschooled." 

Me: "I was going to be homeschooled until my mom changed her mind again and decided to put me in this school." 

Corey: "That must've sucked." 

Me: "Actually not really. I got to be in the same school as my close friends." 

Corey: "Yeah that's true." 

Me: "Well, this is my stop." I said, while pointing to my locker. 

Corey: "Okay, I guess I'll see you on Monday or later today if you come to Starbucks." He chuckled. 

Me: "Yeah, you'll probably see me a lot." I chuckled. 

Corey: "That's good. See ya." He waved goodbye, while walking away. I waved back. I opened my locker and put my books away. I took out my future foot and closed my locker. Someone put their hands over my eyes. 

Person: "Guess who?" 

Me: "Is it Dylan O' Brien!?" I joked. The person took their hands off my eyes and turned me around. 

Carson: "Do I look like Dylan O' Brien?" He laughed. 

Me: "Maybe... I'm kidding." 

Carson: "Cool I brought mine too." He said, while pointing to my future foot. 

Me: "Ready?" He nodded. We walked outside and waited for Hayden, Johnny, and Lauren. 

Me: "I'm hungry." 

Carson: "Same. Wanna go to something besides Chipotle?" 

Me: "Yeah." 

Carson: "Where would you like to go?" 

Me: "I don't care. As long as they have food, I'm good." He chuckled. 

Carson: "In n' Out Burger?" 

Me: "That's kind of far from here." 

Carson: "Is your parents picking us up?" 

Me: "No, they said to walk home from now on." 

Carson: "We're screwed then." 

Johnny: "What's up guys?" 

Carson: "Johnny, Hayden, Lauren, where do you guys want to go for lunch?" 

Lauren: "Isn't her dad picking us up?" 

Me: "No for now on I'm walking home." 

Hayden: "Chipotle?" 

Johnny: "We have that everyday." 

Carson: "Panda Express?" 

Me: "I'm good with that." 

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