Teen Choice Awards

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I arrive at the Teen Choice carpet with New District. I was hanging out with Devin and Sean before, and we all decided to go together.

I am between Sean and Jaden as they start taking pictures. "I'm not part of the band, I should walk away," I whisper.

Sean shakes his head. "Nah, it's fine and besides, you're our best friend. It'll be friendly pictures."

"I guess, but Carson should be coming any minute..." I trail off, as a woman gestures at us to come to her.

They start to walk forward as I back up, but Sean grabs my hand. "Come on, she was gesturing to you too," he says, smiling.

I walk with Sean up to the metal gate. The lady smiles. "Hello, I'm Monica from E!"


"Is Rachell Griffin now part of New District?" She asks, jokingly.

"No she's just with us as a friend," Julian answers, smiling.

"So how'd you meet these guys?" She asks me.

"Well, I met Sean and Jaden first. We just ran into each other outside of Chipotle and I noticed them from YouTube and then we became friends after that," I answer.

"Yeah and we hung out like everyday afterwards," Jaden adds. "She was even in our music video for our song, Closer."

Monica nods. "So New District, you guys are nominated for The Next Big Thing. How does that feel?"

"It's an incredible feeling knowing that we are one of the nominees. Win or lose, we will still love our fans for getting us this far," Dylan replies.

"Let's talk about your music. You have two singles out, what about an album?" She asks.

"Our EP is definitely coming out soon," Devin answers. "We've been adding more music and since we had a former member leave, we had to go back and add Julian's voice into our songs."

She nods. "Oh yes, I heard Felix left. Now, what about relationships? Anyone single? Taken?"

"We are all single except for this girl right here," Julian says, pointing at me.

Monica looks at me and smiles. "Oooo, who's the lucky guy?"

"Carson Lueders," I answer. "He's actually here somewhere."

"How long have you been dating?"

"A year and two months."

She grins. "Who are you excited to see win a surfboard?"

"Definitely these guys," I answer, patting Sean and Jaden on the back, but was referring to all of them. "They definitely deserve this, with all the hard work they've put in."

"Aw thanks," Dylan says, smiling.

"You're welcome," I smile back.

"Any new things coming from you?" She asks.

I nod. "I've actually been working with Teen Vogue with some photo shoots and I'm also working with YouTube Red with this movie they are working on."

"What about music wise?"

I shake my head. "I'm taking a break on that," I answer, as I spot Carson walking in our direction.

"Who are you guys excited to see perform?"

"Charlie Puth!," we all say together.

She chuckles. "Okay, one more question. Rachell, do you have any secret handshake with any of these guys?"

I smirk. "Yes. I have one with Jaden."

"May the viewers and I see it?"

Jaden and I nod. "Ready?"

We do a side high-five, then snap our fingers before fist bumping, then with our knuckles still touching each other, we turn our fists, exploding away from each other.

Monica claps. "Awesome. Thanks for talking with us, guys!"

We smile and walk away. "Hey, I'll see you guys later, okay?" I ask, as Carson comes towards me closer.

"See ya Rach," Jaden says, waving goodbye.

Carson grabs my hand and kisses me on the cheek. "Hey Amore."

I smile. "Hi."

"So did that lady asks any questions about us?" He asks.

I nod. "She wanted to know if I was dating anyone and how long."

He nods. "Well, let's continue down the carpet."

We walk a little further and they take pics of us. After awhile, I lean closer to Carson's ear. "Where's J?"

"I honestly don't know, but look, there's Matty and Ariel," he says, pointing to the right. He gestures them over. "Hey bro."

"Hey," Matty greets and then looks at me. He smiles. "We meet again!"

I laugh. "Long time, no see!"

He chuckles. "Haven't seen you since last year, how's it been?"

"Great, everything's been great," I reply. "What about you?"

He shrugs. "Same old, same old."

"Group selfie?" Carson suggests.

We all nod and he takes a pic of us through snapchat. He posts it and we walk into the arena.

Carson moves to the side, letting me walk to my seat. He follows and we sit down. "Are you excited?" He asks.

I nod. "Yes."

"Who do you want to win?"

"New District!" I yell, excitedly.

He laughs, which causes me to laugh. "One day, you better be excited when I'm nominated."

"I will be twice more excited," I state.

"Good," he says, kissing me on the forehead.


I have writer's block lol

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