Maya's Visit

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Rachell's POV:

~1 week later~

It's been a week since I was at the hospital. Jorydn and Luke have been comforting me, since I found out Carson doesn't remember me. And on top of that, Carson has a broken leg because of me. But at least he gets to leave the hospital today.

"I got a text from Carson." Jordyn said.

"What did he say?" Luke asked.

"Dylan and I are going to Lemonade, want to come with us?" She looked over at me.

"Go ahead, I'll be fine." I said.

"You are coming with me." She started texting again and she smiled at me. A minute later she got a text. She smiled.

"They said that you can come!"

I nodded. At least Jordyn and Dylan knows me, so it won't be completely awkward.

~30 minutes later~

Dylan's car pulled up and Jordyn and I got in.

"Hey, it's been a while!" Dylan said.

"Yeah I know! Last time I saw you, we were at the mall, Carson's dance rehearsal, and then his house playing video games." I said.

"We probably would have never even met if you didn't accidentally ran into me with the shopping cart." he chuckled.

"Hi I'm Carson." he extended his arm out, so I could shake his hand.

"I'm Rachell." I said, grabbing his hand and we shook hands.

"You were at my dance rehearsal and my house?" I asked. My eyes went wide. Do you know how weird this would be for him? Me, a complete stranger to him and I was at his dance rehearsal and his house.

"Umm... Yeah..."

He just nodded.

~25 minutes later~

We got out of the car and sat at one of the outside tables. A waiter quickly came over.

"What can I get you all?" the waiter asked.

"I will have the Strawberry Lemonade Cake and lemonade." Carson ordered.

"I'll just have the strawberry lemonade." I said.

"I'll have the same thing she's having." Jordyn told the waiter.

"I'll have the green lemonade." Dylan said. The waiter wrote our orders down and left.

"How's your leg, Carson?" Jordyn asked with concern.

"I'm still in pain, but I'll make it."

"Maybe later we can go to your house and have Rachell beat us again." Dylan suggested.

"What can I say, I'm a professional." I joked.

"You play video games?" Carson asked.

I nodded.

"I have to see Rachell beating you boys!"Jordyn said. We all nodded. The waiter came back with our drinks and food. Carson started eating his cake, but he kept looking at me. Is this good or bad? I wonder if he's trying to remember me?

"Rachell, do you know who Maya is?" Carson asked. I choked on my lemonade.

"Yeah, why?" I asked. He shrugged and continued with his cake. I looked over at Jordyn. She gave me a confused look. She's the only one who knows about Maya and I's "situation".

"So Carson, what are you going to do about the Popnation Tour?" Jordyn asked.

"Oh, I forgot about that."

"You got time, it doesn't start until July 12."


I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Maya.

"What?" I asked.

"I swear, if you try to hurt her again I'm going to-" Jordyn said angrily.

"I'm not here to say anything mean." Maya interrupted. She took a deep breath and quickly glanced at Carson, who had a confused look on his face.

"Well why are you here?" I asked.

"I'm here to..."

{What do you think why Maya is there?? Hope you enjoyed the chapter!}

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