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Rachell's POV

We walked into the mall. We passed the supra store, but Hayden stopped us. 

Hayden: "Let's go into the Supra store." I looked in it. Most of the store was boys stuff. Lauren and I looked at each other, and shrugged. I guess I need to get use to hanging out with basically all boys. At least Lauren and I can suffer together. We walked in. 

Johnny: "This is beast!" He picked up these red high tops. 

Hayden: "Check out all of these hats!" 

Me: "Dylan, I hope you brought your wallet." I chuckled. He smiled. Johnny grabbed my arm, which made me accidentally let go of Carson's hand. 

Johnny: "You're good with fashion. So can you help me pick out some cool outfits for a photoshoot?" I nodded and looked at all of the different shirts, pants, shoes, and hats. 

Me: "What's your shirt size, pant size, and shoe size?" He told me his sizes. I picked out a black t-shirt, white jeans, black high tops, and a white leather jacket. 

Me: "Put these on." He took them and went into a dressing room. 

Hayden: "Dude, I want you to pick out an outfit for me!" 

Dylan: "We found our wardrobe lady." I playfully rolled my eyes at Dylan. 

Me: "Sure I'll help you. Lauren, wanna help me out?" 

Lauren: "Sure." 

Me: "Find something for Hayden." She nodded. 

Johnny: "Well, how do I look?" I looked at him. 

Me: "Turn." He turned around. I grabbed a black snapback with a white diamond on it, and I put it on his head. I backed up and looked at him. I gave a considered look, but I took it off. I picked out a black beanie and put it on his head. 

Me: "Yeah, nevermind. I like the snapback better." Johnny smiled and grabbed the hat. He walked back into the dressing rooms. 

Dylan: "Okay, you look for Carson and I'll pay for these clothes." I nodded. I left the store and walked a little further down. I scanned the insides of the stores. I looked into this jewelry store. I about walked passed it, when I spotted Carson at the checkout counter. I walked in and walked closer to Carson, but I stopped when I saw this beautiful necklace. I looked at the price; $200! This is outrageous. I was close enough to hear Carson and the lady's conversation. 

Lady: "Who is it for?" she said smiling. 

Carson: "Just for a crazy beautiful girl, I met at the beginning of the summer." My eyes went wide. It's for me! Crap, I probably wasn't suppose to know about this. I backed out of the store, when I ran into someone. I looked at the person's chest and saw coffee on their shirt. 

Me: "I'm so sorry!" 

Nathan: "It's okay." 

Me: "I'll pay for a new coffee and dry cleaning." 

Nathan: "No, don't bother. It's okay, it was an accident." 

Carson's POV

Lady: "Who is it for?" I smiled. 

Me: "Just for a crazy beautiful girl, I met at the beginning of the summer." The lady smiled. I grabbed the black box. I'm so happy that my mom gave me the money to buy this for Rachell. I put the black box in my pocket and turned around. I saw Rachell talking to someone outside the store. Crap! She's gonna see me! I walked fast behind a shelf. I watched her talking to some guy. As I looked closer, I noticed it was Nathan. Rachell looked back at the counter. She had a confused look on her face. She waved goodbye to Nathan and walked away. I left the store and followed behind Rachell. I walked faster to catch up to her. I grabbed her waist and moved her closer to me. 

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