"We Need to Talk..."

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Rachell's POV 

~1 day later~

I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. I might as well, watch some Netflix. I don't have to go meet up with Matt and Marsh until later. I picked out Teen Wolf and wrapped a blanket around me. 

~10 Seconds Later~

Oh my god, I'm bored. I turned off the tv and headed upstairs to my room. There's literally nothing to do. I have two more hours until I meet up with Matt, I can't wait that long. I'd hang out with Jordyn, but she just flew out to New York for Beauty Con. I walked over to my nightstand and picked up my phone. Oops, I missed some calls and texts. I read through all of my miss calls. Crap, one miss call from "Mom 💘" I slowly called her back. 

Mom: "Hello?" 

Me: "Hey, I saw that you called." 

Mom: "Yeah, I called to tell you that Luke needs to drive you to meet up with Matt and Marsh. I won't be able to." 

Me: "Oh okay. See ya." 

Mom: "Bye." I hung up. Wow, she didn't yell at me. I looked through my messages. One of them read, "Cars 😍❤️🙈" I opened it. 

Carson- "Hey babe, I ❤️ u. 😘" I smiled. 

Me- "I ❤️ u too 😘" 

Carson- "Wanna hang out? 😘" 

Me- "Sure ❤️" 

Carson- "I'm on my way 😘" 

Me- "K see ya soon ❤️" 

Carson- "Btw, u look stunning 😍😍😍😍😍😘" 

Me- "U can't even see me 🙈❤️" 

Carson- "Don't have to 😘" I blushed. 

Me- "Stoooopppp, u r makin me blush 🙈❤️" 

Carson- "That's my goal! 😘" 

Me- "Can u get any cuter?! 😂😘" 

Carson- "Maybe 😏" I heard the doorbell ring. 

Me: "Luke, can you get the door?!" I yelled. 

Luke: "No! I'm busy!" He yelled. I quickly texted Carson back. 

Me- "Brb, someone's at the door" 

Carson- "K, I'll wait ❤️" I walked downstairs and went to the door. I opened it and saw nobody there. Okay? That's weird.... I was about to close the door when Carson popped his out from the side. I flinched. 

Me: "Oh my goodness Cars, you gave me a heart attack!" He chuckled. 

Carson: "I'm sorry." He gave me a hug. 

Me: "What do you want to do?" 

Carson: "What do you want to do?" He said at the same time. He smiled. 

Me: "We could chill by the pool?" 

Carson: "Alright." We walked outside and sat on the lounge chairs. Carson grabbed my shoulders so that I was looking straight into his eyes. 

Carson: "We need to talk." I froze. When people want to talk about their relationship, doesn't that mean they want to break up?? I probably did something stupid and now he wants to break up! Okay, let me think back on the last couple of weeks. We went to school. That's basically it. Oh my god it's Corey! At Starbucks, Carson got angry at Corey for looking at me. Does he think that I like Corey in that way? I don't want us to end! Yes, I may have said that I didn't want anything to do with him back in July, but that was only because I thought he was cheating on me with Madison! But he didn't do anything wrong, that was my mistake. But right now, I haven't done anything wrong! 

Carson: "Are you alright?" No. 

Me: "Yeah..." My voice kind of cracked at the end. His eyes went wide. 

Carson: "Babe, what's wrong?" He placed the palm of his hands on the side of my face. 

Me: "You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"

{I feel like their texts are goals, am I the only one who thinks that????? 😂 What's Carson's answer gonna be???!!! This could be the plot twist or it may not be the plot twist! 😏 Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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