Out of All People, It Had to be Them?

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Rachell's POV

I heard my alarm going off. I groaned. I hate waking up early. I got out of bed and went to my closet. I saw Jordyn's gift laying on the ground. I feel bad that I can't give it to her before Christmas, since she's in New York. Maybe I can have Carson give it to her. I'll leave my balcony doors unlocked for him. I picked out an outfit and went into my bathroom. I put on foundation and mascara, and pulled my hair in a ponytail. I unplugged my phone from the charger and put the charger in my bag. I grabbed my bag and suitcase, and headed downstairs. 

Mom: "Better get something to eat fast. We're about to leave." I quickly grabbed a cup of yogurt and started eating. 

Dad: "Is your suitcase ready?" I nodded and slid it over to him. He grabbed it and took it outside. 

Mom: "Rachell?" 

Me: "Yeah?" 

Mom: "You got a gift. It's on the coffee table in the living room." 

Me: "Umm, okay?" I threw away my empty cup of yogurt and headed into the living room. I saw a bouquet of roses with a card. I opened the card, "This is for the most beautiful girl I know. To put that beautiful smile she has on her face. I'm gonna miss you while you're gone, but I hope you have a great time in Ohio! See you on New Years Eve. Love Carson. P.S. Text me when you get off the plane, I wanna know if you made it safely." 

I smiled and put the card in my purse and put the flowers up in my room. 

Dad: "Come on kids, we need to go!" I quickly walked downstairs and passed my dad, who was standing by the front door. 

Dad: "Rachell, check. Luke, check. Wife and Joey, check." He closed the front door. I got inside the taxi. Once everyone was in, my dad told the guy where to go.

~1 hour later~

I sat down by the window and Luke sat beside me. 

Luke: "I'm so tired." He placed his head on my shoulder. 

Me: "Then sleep." I put in my earbuds and started playing Carson's All Day EP.

~4 hours later~

Mom: "Guys, wake up. We're here." I opened my eyes and noticed Luke was sleeping on my lap. 

Me: "Luke, wake up." He got up out of his seat. I followed behind him and we exited the plane.

~1 hour later~

I put my stuff on a bed. 

Mom: "Okay, I'm going to get two rental cars. One for you two and one for us." She pointed at me and Luke, and then at dad and herself. I got on Carson's messages. 

Me-"Hey, thanks for the flowers and the message 😍😘 I'm gonna miss u 2. Love ya!" I sent the message. 

Luke: "Anyone else hungry?" 

Dad: "You should have eaten breakfast." 

Luke: "I did." 

Me: "I'm hungry." 

Dad: "Did you eat breakfast?" 

Me: "Yeah, I had a yogurt." 

Mom: "There's an IHOP across the street." 

Luke: "Can me and Rach eat there?" 

Mom: "Yeah, but you will have to walk." 

Luke: "I'm cool with that." 

Me: "Same." Mom handed Luke some money. 

Dad: "Be safe." 

Me: "We will." 

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