Carson Finally Said It

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Rachell's POV

I gave back the board to Carson.

Carson: "How did you like your first wakeboarding ride?"

Me: "It was really fun!" He smiled.

Jackson: "If you thought that was fun, you should do this!" He got on his bike and started pedaling towards a ramp. He shot off and did a backflip. He splashed into the water.

Carson: "Yeah, you don't have to do that."

Me: "Wasn't planning on it."

Diane: "Breakfast is ready!" She yelled from the patio.

Jackson: "Last one there is a rotten egg!" He ran off.

Carson: "Jump on his back." He whispered. I quickly ran up to Jackson and I jumped on his back.

Jackson: "What the?!" I covered his eyes with my hands.

Jackson: "I can't see!" He laughed.

Me: "That's the point!" Carson ran past us and jumped on the patio. Jackson fell down on the ground with me on top of him. I quickly got up and ran towards Carson.

Jackson: "I'll get you back!"

Carson: "At least we aren't the rotten egg!" He high-fived me. We walked inside and sat at the kitchen table.

Diane: "Here's your pancakes."

Me: "Thank you."

Diane: "You're welcome dear."

Carson: "Here's the syrup and butter." He passed them to me.

Me: "Thanks." I poured some syrup on and a pad of butter.

Jackson: "I'll get you back for that." He poked me in the arm.

Me: "Whatever." I chuckled. Jackson sat down beside me and started eating his pancakes.

Jackson: "So how should I get you back? Pranks? Oh wait, I have a good idea!"

Me: "Pranks? Please, no one can prank me."

Carson: "Jordyn and Luke did." I put my finger over his lips.

Me: "Cars, you're ruining my moment." I chuckled.

Carson: "Sorry love." He chuckled.

Me: "Besides, who did the awesome prank to Jordyn?"

Carson: "You but, who did the awesome prank to Luke?"

Me: "You."

Carson: "That's right. Plus, Luke is setting up some pranks for you when you get back."

Me: "I will not fall for those pranks."

Carson: "Wanna bet?"

Me: "You're on lover boy!"

Carson: "If you do get pranked, you have to kiss me every time you look at me."

Me: "Okay and if I don't get pranked, hmmm let's make this a miserable one."

Carson: "Wait what?"

Me: "You have to go two whole days without doing any romantic gestures or interactions with me. So basically you have to act like a friend."

Carson: "No I can't do that! That's means I can't even hold your hand!"

Me: "Are you backing down from the bet?"

Carson: "Yes because I cannot go two whole days without hugging you, kissing you, holding your hand, and giving you surprise gifts."

Me: "But that's only if I don't get prank. You think I won't get pranked because you are afraid about going two whole days without doing any romantic gestures or interactions?"

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