Tennis, Just Dance, and the Smoothie Chanllenge

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Rachell's POV

~1 day later~ 

I walked to a unique coffee shop with Nathan and we sat down at an outside table. 

Waiter: "What can I get you all?" We ordered our coffees. The waiter nodded and walked away. 

Nathan: "So how was your date with Carson?" 

Me: "It was amazing." 

Nathan: "That's great. I really am happy for you guys." 

Me: "Thanks." 

Nathan: "Why do you seem stressed out?" 

Me: "He thinks my heart doesn't belong to him." 

Nathan: "Why? You guys have been dating for a long time, wouldn't he think so?" 

Me: "Exactly, he wants to earn it, but he already has." 

Nathan: "Did he say his heart was yours?" Me: "Yeah." He nodded. The waiter came with our coffee. 

Me: "Thank you." 

Waiter: "You're welcome." He walked over to another table. 

Nathan: "I'm going to play tennis later, wanna join?" 

Me: "Sure, were you going to play it by yourself?" I joked. 

Nathan: "That's impossible to play tennis by yourself. I'm playing it with a buddy of mine." 

Me: "Who?" 

Nathan: "Corey Moore." I choked on my coffee. 

Nathan: "You okay?" 

Me: "I know Corey, he's one of my friends. Man, this is a small world." I coughed out. 

He chucked and nodded. Nathan: "So, how'd you meet?" 

Me: "He's in two of my classes at school." 

Nathan: "Wait, you're the girl he's working with on that book idea project?" 

Me: "Yeah." Nathan: "He told me he was working with a girl name Rachel, but I didn't think it was you because he only wrote your name with one 'L' instead of two." 

Me: "Yeah, I get that a lot." 

Nathan: "If you want, you can invite one of your friends to play tennis with." 

Me: "I'll probably invite Jordyn." 

Nathan: "She'll probably say no." 

Me: "Why do you think that?" 

Nathan: "She probably hates me." 

Me: "She'll have to say yes to her old best guy friend." 

~15 minutes later~

Jordyn: "No." 

Me: "Come on, please?" 

Jordyn: "No. I love you and all, but no." 

Me: "He's changed." 

Jordyn: "I still don't trust him." 

Me: "He's your old guy best friend." 

Jordyn: "Yeah until he broke you two up." 

Me: "Carson and I are back together. Plus he apologized." She stared at me for a few minutes. 

Jordyn: "Ugh fine! I'll go, only because you are my best friend and I love you." 

Me: "Yes, thank you!" 

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