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Okay, I've been rereading this story and let's just say, CRINGE! 😫 I started beating my head against my textbook. I can't stand reading this so I'm going to change the story...not completely. I'm just going to make it somewhat better.

I wrote this on Instagram...when I was stupid. So it's not the best, like it's real bad, yet, people seem to like it due to all the views and votes 😂

Plus, some of the chapters I gave up on and legit made it look like a script.


Carson: "She's really beautiful and cute," That hurt...

Carson: "She's this crazy, brave girl, that's not afraid of anything. She's also really talented and she can be such a tease sometimes. She drives me crazy, but in a good way. Her smile can light up a room," That killed me...

Like why???? 🤦‍♀️

So with this being said, expect a somewhat better story and you can reread this story from the beginning when I fix it. But it might take a while since school is starting soon (kms) and there's so much damage to this story that it's definitely going to take a long, long time.

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