Carson's Birthday

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"Are you excited?" Greg asks me as we walk out of the terminal. We and the help of Diana, set up this surprise visit for Carson's birthday. He finished his part of the tour and came back to Washington.

I smile, nodding. "Yes, are you?"

"Heck yeah, man," he smiles, as we spot Diana and Olivia waiting for us.

I catch Olivia's attention and she instantly smiles, waving us over. "Come on, Greg."

We fast-walk towards them and Olivia embraces me in a hug. "Girl, I missed you so much."

I hug her back. "I missed you as well." I look over at Diana. "And you too."

She smiles. "I missed you too, but too be honest, I think Carson missed you way more."

I chuckle. "Where's Jacks?"

"Jackson is stalling Baby Car right now," Olivia informs.

We all walk out and Olivia helps Greg and I with our bags. "So what's it like being back here?"

"It's so nice being back here. I honestly like it better than LA," I reply.

"Spokane has no beach, but it does have one heck of a nice lake," Olivia says.

I nod in agreement. "Honestly, the lake is better than the beach."

She smirks. "I knew I liked you for a reason."

I laugh. "What can I say?" I ask, flipping my hair off my shoulder. "I'm awesome," I joke.

She laughs.


"Okay, Greg, you should hide behind this plant and surprise him when he opens the door. Rachell, you should go with Olivia and sneak around the back and go through the back doors, then casually sit on the couch and he'll see you when he comes back in," Diana suggests, when we all got out of the car.

We nod and Greg goes behind the plant on the front porch. He rings the doorbell and Olivia and I make a run for it. We walk up the wooden stairs and she opens the back door. I walk in and sit on the couch. I grab a magazine and act like I'm reading it. Olivia sits down beside me.

Olivia and I muffle a laugh, when we hear Carson scream. Greg must've scared the crap out of him.

"Yo! Greg, oh my gosh!" I hear Carson yell, surprisingly.

"I gotcha good, didn't I?" Greg asks, laughing.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, but I'm glad you're here, buddy," Carson says, as he closes the front door.

I sit up in a straighter posture and turn a page in the magazine. "Olivia, doesn't these shoes look gorgeous?" I ask, casually when I hear their presences coming into the room.

She gets the act, and leans in closer. "Omg, yas."

Carson's voice suddenly stops talking, making me look over in his direction. His eyes are widen and his mouth is ajar.

I smile and place the magazine on the table, standing up. "Hi, Cars."

"You're here," he breathes out as he walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you," I say, as I hug him around his neck.

"I missed you too, Amore," he says into my neck.

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