Rose Shape Ice Cream and Movie Night

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Rachell's POV

Here's what has happened that was never put in my, let's call them, "Chapters of my life": 

1) I performed at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.

2) Luke, Jordyn, Carson and I decided to start a prank war.

3) Luke and Jordyn pranked me by making me do weird dance moves during sound check.

4) I pranked Jordyn by putting baby powder in her hair dryer and Carson pranked Luke by putting pink hair dye in his shampoo bottle. The score; Team Cachell with 2 pts, and Team Beast with 1 pt.

Okay, let's get back to the story.


~1 day later~

I walked out of the terminal and saw Dylan, Nic, Hayden, Leticia, and... Madison? 

Hayden: "There they are!" He yelled. They started running towards us. When they got to us, Dylan hugged me really tight. 

Me: "Can't breathe here!" He loosened his grip. 

Dylan: "Sorry, I just missed you." 

Madison: "How was Orlando?!" 

Me: "Amazing!" She hugged me. I saw Carson slowly backing away from us. What is he doing? He kept eyeing Madison. Oh, now I understand.

~2 hours later~ 

I rode my penny board through the Santa Monica Pier. 

Jordyn: "Wait up!" I slowed down. 

Me: "Come on slow poke!" I laughed. 

Jordyn: "Man, when you said you could skate, you weren't lying." I chuckled.

Carson's POV

I walked into an ice cream parlor with Dylan and Hayden. 

Dylan: "Do you know her favorite flavor?" 

Me: "Of course, it's strawberry." 

Hayden: "I think she would prefer Chipotle." 

Me: "Dude, it's hot out. Ice cream is better and she loves ice cream." 

Dylan: "She also likes Chipotle too." 

Me: "We'll get Chipotle tomorrow." 

Dylan: "Works for me." 

Man: "How can I help you?" He smiled. 

Me: "I heard you make rose shape ice cream?" 

Man: "Yeah, you'd like one?" 

Me: "Yes, strawberry please." 

Man: "Anything else?" 

Dylan: "Mint chocolate." 

Hayden: "Rocky Road." 

Man: "That'll be $20 dollars." Dylan paid the man.

~10 minutes later~ 

Hayden: "Man, Rachell is going to love this." He pointed to the rose shape ice cream. 

Me: "Yeah, does anyone know where she is?" 

Dylan: "Nope." 

Hayden: "I thought you knew." 

Me: "She told me, she was going to hang out with Jordyn. But I don't know where." 

Dylan: "You don't even know where your girlfriend is?" 

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