Mod Pizza and A Big Surprise

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Rachell's POV.

~1 week later~

It's been a week since I found out that Carson wants to ask me something. The only thing that I can think of might be, him asking me to be his girlfriend. He already said he likes me more than a friend and he kissed me. But then there's Nathan. He just has to like me in that way too. If I say yes to Carson, it'll hurt Nathan and if Nathan ever asks me and I say yes, it'll hurt Carson. But what if I say no to either one of them? It'll hurt both of them and there will be that awkward tension between us. Do I even like them in that way? I mean there's Carson with his beautiful smile and his dreamy hazel eyes. And that blonde hair.

But there's Nathan with his chocolate brown eyes and his wavy brown hair. And that gorgeous smile. Why does two good looking men have to like me... At the same time? I'm in the same situation as Miley Stewart, "He could be the one" episode. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, the TV show was called Hannah Montana.) Where she had to pick between Jake Ryan and Jesse. Suddenly the doorbell rang, getting me out of my thoughts. I got up from the couch and walked to the door. I opened it and saw Jordyn and Nathan.

"Hello, come on in." I stepped out of the way and they walked in.

"Guess what?" Jordyn asked.


"I got three tickets to Katy Perry!"she said, holding up the tickets.

I screamed and jumped up and down. Jordyn laughed.

"You seem happy!" Jordyn said.

"I am, I can't believe you got us tickets to Katy Perry!"

"Am I amazing or what?"

"You're amazing!" I hugged her.

"Thanks for the ticket. Wait who's the third person?" I asked. She looked over at Nathan.

"Nathan?" I asked confused. Why would a guy want to go to a Katy Perry concert?

"I needed a ride and he agreed on coming."

I laughed.

Of course, she would use him just for a ride.

"When does the concert start?"

"Tomorrow at 2 pm."

I nodded.

"I'm hungry, let's get something to eat." Nathan said.

"Yeah okay, let me get my things." I walked up to my room. I grabbed my purse and my phone. I went to my closet and grabbed my converse. I quickly put them on and walked back downstairs. We headed out and got into Nathan's car.

"Where should we go eat?" Nathan asked.

"Mod pizza?" I suggested.

"Yes!" Jordyn said

~30 minutes later~

We sat down at a table and Ilooked at the menu. I noticed the "Jordyn's pizza".

"Is this named after you?" I asked Jordyn.

She smiled and nodded. The waitress came over.

"What can I get you?" the waiter asked.

"Jordyn's pizza." Jordyn said.

"Jordyn's pizza." Nathan said.

"Jordyn's pizza." I said.

"Well that was easy." the waiter chuckled.

Jordyn and I laughed.

"So how is Carson?" Nathan asked.

"He's doing better." Jordyn replied.

"Does he remember you yet?" he asked me.


"That's good."

I heard my phone buzzing. I looked at the caller ID, it's Carson.


"Where are you?"

"At Mod Pizza, why?"

"Okay when you're done, go to your pool area."

"What, why?"

"Just trust me, okay?"

"Umm, okay."

"Okay, see you later."

"Bye." I hung up.

"Who was that?" Jordyn asked.


"What does he want?"

"After when I'm done eating here, I have to go to my back patio."

She nodded.

~1 hour later~

We arrived back at my house. I got out the car and Jordyn ran ahead. I felt someone pulling me back gentle. I turned around.

"I have to ask you something." Nathan said.

I nodded, telling him to continued.

"I have feelings for you, as you already know, but I just don't want you as my best friend. I also want you as my girlfriend. So will you?" he asked nervously. I stood there shocked.

"Nath-" I got interrupted by Jordyn yelling.

"Rachell, come on!" she yelled.

I turned back to face Nathan.

"We'll talk about this later."

He nodded. I grabbed his hand and we ran up to Jordyn. We walked to the patio. I saw a stool with a bouquet of flowers and a CD player. I walked up to the stool and pushed play. "Rachell, I started getting feelings for you, when we talked on the plane. You are always nice to me and then I blew our friendship up when me and Maya were hanging out a lot and it looked like that I liked her. What I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?" I saw Carson come out behind a pillar.

"Will you?" he asked.

{What will Rachell's answer be? What will her answer be to Nathan? Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊}

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