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I was currently in a meeting with Brittany, Rebel, Ester etc for Pitch Perfect 2. It's happening in a few weeks. Elizabeth was in the middle of speaking when my phone began to ring. Elizabeth didn't mind as it was the school and she lets anyone with children answer it if we are filming or in a meeting, It could be important. I walked out the meeting room and answered the call.

"I'm so sorry to disturb Miss. Kendrick as I know you are in a meeting, Charlie told me,  but I am going to need you to come and collect Charlie from school as he has started a fight and also sworn 5 times at his tutor , He will be not be able to come back until next week. Again I am sorry to interrupt your meeting!" The head teacher explained

"I fucking told you!" I heard Charlie in the background

"As you just heard he is still very angry about all of this"

"I will come up now, Sorry for this. He was in a bad mood this morning but I didn't think he would carry it on" I told her

"Fuck off! I am not angry!" I heard Charlie again

She said a goodbye and hung up. He knows when I get there if he swears at me I won't be happy! How can he go back to school for one day and get suspended already! Yesterday was Emily and today Charlie! I walked back into the meeting room and Elizabeth looked at me, Along with Brittany.

"Sorry I have to pick Charlie up from school as he has been a little shit again! Do you want me to come back here after?"I said

"Yeah, We will wait until you get back, He can go chill with Dave for a bit until we are done with the meeting" She told me and I nodded

As soon as she said that everyone left the meeting from to get some food or a drink. Brittany asked if I wanted her to come but I said not to worry. I hopped into the range rover and made my way to the school for the second time this week!

"In, Now!" I said annoyed

I am annoyed! He swore at a teacher, started a fight and made me hold up a meeting! He hates when I am annoyed with him yet he lets himself get like this! 

"I will talk to you when we get home but for now I have to finish my meeting! You will have to chill with Dave until it's over" I said coldly 

He just nodded and sighed. He knows he has done wrong. Once we got back I introduced Dave to Charlie and they went to the games room. He will definitely be grounded but right now I have to finish this meeting!

"Sorry about that" I said and we began the meeting again

  ☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 

The time our meeting finished it was time to go and pick Emily up.

"Charlie come on" I said 

He said bye to Dave and we left once we had said goodbye to everyone. As soon as we got Emily we headed home. Brittany was going to cook Chicken curry for dinner which I love!

"Room now!" I told Charlie and he huffed

On his way he mumbled something.

"Would you like to say that out loud?!" 

"No mum" He sighed 

I went up a few minutes later to talk to him. 

"First of all why did you start a fight and secondly why did you swear at the teacher multiple times?!" I asked

"I've just been in a bad mood all day and the boy just kept annoying me and kicking my chair in Science so I turned around and punched him in the eye so I then got sent to my tutor and she just started to shout so I got even angrier and started swearing at her" He told me

"Charlie you are 12! You really shouldn't be swearing at your age. Didn't you take your tablet this morning?" I said and he shook his head

He has ADHD, So do I but I no longer have to take a tablet. 

"Well you are grounded for 2 weeks Charl" I told him

"That isn't fair! Emily only got grounded for a week and I am meant to be going bowling on Saturday with Ben!" He huffed

"Emily didn't swear at a teacher 5 or more times and she also didn't punch someone! You should have thought about that before you did what you did today then shouldn't you?" I said

"Ugh, For fu-"

"I strongly suggest you do not finish that sentence Charlie unless you would like to make it 3 weeks!" I said firmly 

He huffed again and walked downstairs. I went into mine and Brittany's room and sat on the bed. I decided to go on twitter for a little bit. About 5 minutes later Brittany walked in.

"Dinner is ready love" 

Once we had all finished dinner Emily went to go and do homework. Charlie isn't aloud back till next Monday and then that is there last week until they go on Christmas break. 

~Chapter Two! How was it? Will check later for mistakes!~

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