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Annoyed. That is all I can say right now. Emily is acting up, Staying out past 11 when I tell her not to stay out later then 10 on a college night. I have given up telling her. She is going to get in trouble soon and ask for my help. All I can do is say that I told her.

"Ann?!" I shouted from the kitchen

She has been quiet all morning and I have no idea why or where she is at the moment. I walked upstairs and headed into our room to see her sitting on the bed with a picture in her hands. I sat next to Anna and noticed it was a picture of me, her and Brooklyn, just before she got taken by the nurses. Anna had tears rolling down her cheek. I knew she couldn't help but feel bad for having another baby. She is excited of course but she doesn't want the same thing happening again.

"Baby" I sighed, pulling her in for a hug

"I just keep thinking what she would be like now. If I hadn't stressed and got upset too much then it wouldn't of happened. I know I am upset now but I won't let myself get to how I was last time" She told me 

"She would have been a beautiful little baby. This isn't your fault okay? She was born fine and something just happened, we didn't know what caused this but little peanut in there is going to be 100% fine, Okay?" I said softly 

She nodded and we had a quick kiss before heading downstairs. Anna will always have her little off days and I will be there for her when she has those. Once we got downstairs I decided to make some lunch for us. Emily was out with friends and Charlie was at his dads for a few days. 

Anna and Skylar worked days out for Charlie. Skylar has him on weekends, Friday night until Monday morning. In the summer break he will probably stay a few more days but while he is in school that's how it is.

"Pasta or chicken salad?" I asked Anna 

"Pasta please baby" She smiled 

I smiled back and started to boil the pasta. I am not doing all the cooking and house work, etc, Anna is still doing her bit. I didn't want her to of course but Anna insisted she did since doing a bit of cooking and cleaning won't harm anybody. I do think I am being over protective sometimes and don't want her doing anything but can you blame me?

"Is Em not coming home today?" Anna asked me as I brought our pasta to the sofa

Emily stayed out at her friends last night and hasn't come home yet. I don't mind if she is hanging out with her friend still but she could text and let me know she is okay.

"I'm not sure babe, She has college tomorrow so I bloody hope she does" I said 

"You need to be a little calmer with her Britt. She is a teenager, she just wants to have fun with her friends and you moaning at her all the time will just make her more likely to ignore you and do the opposite of what you say" 

"I know but I just don't want her to do something stupid" 

"Like get pregnant?" Anna said 

"Yes. I was so young when I had Emily. I don't regret having her, no way. I just regret the age I had her. I mean I was only 13, nearly 14. I always got called a slag or a whore. I hated it. I don't want her going through the same thing" I said 

"And I had Charlie younger than that Britt. Emily is a smart girl, she wouldn't do something like that. She knows how angry we would both be, Just ring her if you are worried. Even though I know Charlie is safe at his dad's I still texted him this morning and asked if he was okay. It's fine to worry baby" 

I sighed and nodded. I finished my pasta and decided to call Emily. I had it on loud speaker since me and Anna were cleaning the kitchen up and I had my hands full.

Em: Hello Mum. I am fine. I know you are worrying since I hadn't texted you or anything but I have just been in town with Alex getting our nails done. I'll be home in a few hours.

Britt: Okay Em but I will always worry you know that

Em: I know and also I want to speak to you and Mumma later. I'm sorry about a few things 

Britt: Okay love. See you soon

With that we both hung up. What is she sorry for? Acting up? or something else? Anna looked at me and sighed. I laughed and pulled her in for a hug and a kiss. 

*Any good?Very short I know but just a quick chapter because I haven't updated in ages!*

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