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Anna was in New York for the weekend but she is home tonight so I am excited to see her! It has just been me and Brody since Charlie is at his dads and Emily is at a friends house until tomorrow! So I won't see her until after school tomorrow!

I was currently on the sofa watching the Voice. Brody was down for his nap so I had nothing to do anyway. I then felt my phone buzz and it was a snapchat from Anna. All of our friends have snapchat but fans are yet to find most of us. Ester and a few others have shared theirs but I prefer mine to be private so that is why I'm not sharing with fans.

I opened her snapchat and she honestly looked so cute! I had to screenshot because I always do! I'm not a weird girlfriend, I promise!

I opened her snapchat and she honestly looked so cute! I had to screenshot because I always do! I'm not a weird girlfriend, I promise!

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I obviously sent one back because I can't not!

After that we just spoke for a while until she had to go, she was leaving her hotel now

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After that we just spoke for a while until she had to go, she was leaving her hotel now. She was getting a plane so it would only take her about an hour, if she drove then it would have taken about 5 hours and she would not do that. I know her too well.

The time was currently half 3 so I would go and get Brody up about half 4ish! I was about to make myself a drink when my phone rang, it was Charlie.

"What's up Char?" 

"Can you come and pick me up please? I know you might be busy but my dad has just had a massive go at me and I just want to come home" He said sadly 

I said I would leave now. Only bad thing about this is me having to wake Brody up and when he get's woken up he is so stroppy, just like Anna. I hardly ever wake her up unless I have to, it's like waking Satan! Not good.


We was now home, we stopped at McDonald's because Charlie was hungry and I was too. I hadn't had lunch since I felt too lazy. Brody is in a bad mood now because I had to get him up. Once we walked in the front door we seen Anna sitting on the sofa, how long was we?! 

"Hey aren't you meant to be with your dad?" She asked Charlie

"Nice to see you too" He joked 

"Sorry babe!" She laughed, giving him a hug 

He explained to Anna what happened and she was pretty annoyed with Skylar but she said she wouldn't start anything with him. We all know that isn't true though. Once Charlie had gone upstairs I went over to her and gave her a kiss. I missed her, even if it was just one weekend. 

"And how is my other baby boy today" She said softly to Brody 

He just put his head into Anna's neck and whined. He will now be like this until he goes back to sleep, I do feel sorry for waking him up though but I couldn't just leave him at home.

"I had to get him up from his nap to go and get Charlie so he is a little grumpy now" I said and she laughed

We was in the middle of talking when Em stormed in the house, is anything going right for the kids today?! 

"Em what's up?" We asked 

"Chrissy would not shut up about her new boyfriend and how them two are so loved up so I asked if we could talk about something different and then it just went down hill from there and we got into an argument so I walked home"

I just sighed and nodded. Not one good thing has happened today for the kids, all had something gone wrong! Em then headed upstairs, slamming her bedroom door. I know she wasn't annoyed with us so I really didn't care that she slammed her door, her and Charlie are always doing it and give it 5 years and Brody will be doing the same!

"I was going to say we could all go out for dinner now all the kids are at home but I think I will save all the arguments that would happen and just order pizza" Anna said 

"Good idea, nothing good has happened to the kids today" I laughed and she agreed 

*The Next Day*


It was half 6 and I was woken up by Charlie and Emily arguing, they hardly every argue, why today?! I'm guessing the bad mood from yesterday is still with them. I looked at Brittany and sighed.

"Why are they even up? They both get up a 7!" I huffed 

We both got out of bed and headed out into the hall. We both had shorts and a top on, no sex for Anna last night because we fell asleep straight away.

"What is with the shouting, it is half 6 in the morning!" I said 

"Emily's alarm went off at half 6 and then she just began to get ready, banging everything around in her room and woke me up!" Charlie spat 

"Loose the attitude and you two are clearly still in a bad mood so just go get ready for school and try not to argue!"

"NOT IN A BAD MOOD!" They both shouted, slamming their bedroom doors

Oh my dear lord. I am so glad they are going to school and not staying home all day, I can deal with Brody being grumpy but not everyone. That would just make me loose my mind. Britt was getting Brody up today so I just headed downstairs and got the kids lunch ready. They normally have money but they keep complaining that the school canteen food i getting worse so we have started doing lunches from home instead.

"Mum have you seen my school shoes?!" Charlie said, running down the stairs 

"Where they always are" 


It was now 9 am, both older ones are at school and Brody was watching Spongebob. 

"And relax!" Britt huffed as we both sat on the sofa.

To say this morning was a little busy is a big understatement! Charlie and Emily were both loosing things and then kept snapping at one another because one of them would be in the way of the other, let's not forget us being late because they were taking so long but if we told them to hurry up it made it all worse. Today is clearly not our day!

*Mistakes will be checked for later!*

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