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Brody is now 4 months old. He is a very happy baby and just seems to smile all the day. He is on bottle feeding since I didn't want to breast feed, I didn't with Charlie either. He is still in our room until he is 5 and a half months. It is meant to be six but since he is sleeping through the night with only 1-2 feeds so it isn't a big issue. I know some people who put their babies in their own room at 3 months. I didn't want to do that though.

Today was just me and Brody since the kids had school/college and Brittany had a meeting and advert shoot. Mark said he would pop by today so I was looking forward to that. I picked Brody up out of his swinging chair and headed downstairs. He loves his swinging chair and it seems to keep him calm so we have on that is in our room and another downstairs. We got two so we didn't have to keep taking it up and down.

Once I had gotten downstairs I sat on the sofa and had Brody in my arms asleep

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Once I had gotten downstairs I sat on the sofa and had Brody in my arms asleep. I have a meeting tomorrow and so does Britt so he is having to come to work with me. I don't want to but I might not have a choice. Some people have said to just get a nanny for him but I don't want someone I don't know looking after my baby. I know they are qualified and all that jazz but I need to have known them for a long time before they look after my baby. I could ask Elizabeth and see if she can look after him for an hour or two.

'Hi, I know you are probably busy but I have a meeting tomorrow and I am not 100% on taking Brody with me. Could you look after him for an hour or two xxx' I texted 

'Of course I will, I'm at home all day tomorrow since I can do all my work in my home office, pop by whenever love xxx' She replied

I sent her a thank you and then put my phone on the sofa arm. I looked at the time and it was nearly 1 pm so I stood up and placed Brody in his swinging chair while I went and got his milk ready. I was about to feed him when my phone began to ring. It was Charlie's school. I got Brody back out of his chair and sat on the sofa with him on my arms as I gave him his milk, answering my phone.

"Hello Miss. Kendrick, Charlie has just been sick so are you able to come and collect him?" They said

I sighed but said I would leave as soon as I can. Once I had finished feeding Brody I waited a few minutes before heading out to the car and placing him in his car seat. Charlie felt sick this morning but said he would go to school anyway. Once Brody was in his car seat I went to the drivers seat. As I was driving down the driveway I seen Mark's car coming up. 

"Charlie has just been sick so I have to pick him up" I said 

He nodded and parked his car, getting out and into my car. 

"Come on in" I joked and he laughed 

He looked back at Brody and cooed.

"He is just too cute! How is he doing?" He smiled 

"He is doing good! Sleeps well at night, wakes up for a feed 1-2 times but at least it's not 8 times!" I said

The whole way to Charlie's school we just spoke, Brody didn't wake up the whole way. He just stayed asleep until we stopped the car and he then began to cry. He needed changing so I had to go inside and use the visitors toilets to change him. Once I had done that we headed back home. Charlie fell asleep on the way home. My poor little boy. He will always be my little boy even though he is 12!

When we had gotten home Mark carried Charlie up to his room since he was still asleep. I had Brody on my lap and some random TV show was on. 

"I have to go to my brothers parents evening tomorrow since my mum and dad said they didn't want to go, you know what they are like. But anyways, will you come with me please? I hate going to these things alone and my brother will be at his football practice all evening so he won't be there" Mark asked me 

"Yeah of course! What time is this?" 

"4 pm, I can pick you up if you want me to. Is Britt home?" He said 

"I have a meeting at 12 so I should be finished about 2ish so yeah that will be fine. Britt will be home about half 3. It will be nice to get away from the house for a while" I smiled 

As much as I love being home with Brody all day I would just like to have some time away from it all. I know it sounds bad but every mother needs time away from it all at some point.

*Short I know! Sorry but will update soon!*

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