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This house is always filled with arguments! This time it's between me and Anna. We have both been really busy lately with movies, interviews and just general things so we have both been snapping at one another since we are both stressed.

"The only free day we both have off and you decided to spend it with Rebel? Are you kidding me right now Anna! We haven't spent time together in about a week and a half!" I huffed

"We live together, we sleep together and we are together! Brittany I haven't seen Rebel in 6 months, This is the only day she is in town so I want to see her before she goes, Feel free to join! She is your friend too!" 

"Whatever" I said

Anna huffed and walked into the kitchen. That is what it's been like for the past week. Snapping at each other. I am kind of annoyed we aren't spending time with one another on our only day at home! I miss just talking to her and having a cuddle on the sofa. Also to make this whole thing worse, Charlie is acting up and home and school more than usual and Emily is going out a lot more with friends and coming home smelling of smoke and alcohol. It may not be her drinking or smoking but I don't want her hanging around with people that are. 

I sighed and decided on watching some TV. I then felt something land in my lap, It was a paper airplane. I opened it and seen there was some writing in it from Anna, She is such a child!

'I know you are angry with me for going to see Rebel on our only home day but I am only seeing her for an hour before she leaves. I promise when I am home we will cuddle on the sofa and watch Star Wars movies because I know how much of a Star Wars nerd you are! p.s I will buy the ice cream if you buy the chocolate <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

I turned around and seen Anna smiling widely at me. I laughed and nodded at her. She jumped up and down like a five year old before coming over to me and giving me a big kiss and a hug. We was having a nice moment when Charlie and Emily began to argue.

"Emily had a packet of fags on her bedroom floor!" Charlie shouted

"Shut up! I told you not to say anything!!" Emily said harshly

"Fuck off you little smoker!" He huffed

I looked at Anna and sighed. I told her I would go and deal with Emily while she talks to Charlie.


"Right, I have had enough of your bad behaviour recently. It has been getting worse at school and also at home. Charlie what is going on with you? You have had 4 detentions in the past week and a half, You are going to get kicked out of school before you are 14!" I told him

"People at my school are bullying me mum! I can't stand it anymore. I come home everyday with a new bruise or a new stupid nickname they call me! I get detention so I won't have to go out at break and be shouted at, kicked or punched! I just want it to stop" He cried

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sighed

"You've been too busy with work stuff and I didn't want to be annoying and distract you from it all. I didn't want to be a waste or space" He mumbled

"Charlie I would stop my work if you ever needed to talk you know that. I am your mum and I will always be here for you. Please don't ever think you are a waste of space because I can promise you are far from it!" 

"I want to move school" He sniffled

"You are don't worry babe, You aren't going back there until we have found a school that you are going to be happy at" I told him

"I love you mum"

"I love you too babe" I smiled

We had a hug before he went for a shower. I then walked down stairs. I really didn't want to go out anymore but then again I didn't want to let Rebel down!

"Hey Reb, Could we maybe meet another time? I have a lot to sort out today with Charlie and wanted to spend some time with Britt" I said down the phone

"Of course short stack! I am down again next week so it's not problem, I will go see my sister. See you soon!" She told me

I said a thank you and that I would see her soon before hanging up. About 10 minutes later Brittany came down and sat next to me.

"I have told Rebel I will meet her next week since she is down again" I said

She smiled and we had a cuddle. Charlie and Emily are staying at Brittany's mum and dad's house tonight and I will pick them both up early in the morning. I will take Emily to school and bring Charlie home. Britt has a meeting with Elizabeth about an advert. So it will be just me and Charlie tomorrow, I will search for a new school.

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