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Me and Brody were currently on the way to the park since it was a nice day and I didn't want to be stuck inside all morning. I had a meeting this afternoon but until then I was free. Brody was on my hip but I placed him on the floor, holding his hand since we was almost at the park.

Once we got into the park Brody ran over to the climbing frame, I sat on the bench that was near him, he was very independent with this kind of thing so I know he doesn't need help, plus it is a small climbing frame so he wouldn't be able to fall anyway. It's a toddler park not an older child park.

After an hour and a half at the park I got Brody off the swing he was on and began to head out the park. He was running around at the moment, I will hold his hand when we get to the gate of the park. I checked my phone for 2 seconds for the time, when I put it back in my pocket I heard Brody crying heavily. A dog was running around and knocked him over.

"I'm so sorry! He gets a little excited on walks!" Some woman said 

"Don't worry about it! Brody never looks where he is running" I smiled 

I picked Brody up and he cried into my neck.

"Can I have a picture with you?" She smiled happily 

I agreed and we took a picture. She thanked me and I headed off home with Brody. On our way home I seen so many paps, why now? I have a crying Brody who is screaming. I just want to get home with no pictures. He was fine until they began taking pictures with the flash on, making him upset again.

"Anna over here!"

"Pregnant again?!"

"How is Britt and the kids?"

I was trying so hard to keep my cool right now. I could easily turn around and punch every one of these idiots but I have Brody with me so I wouldn't ever do it with him.

"Alright guys. just leave her alone now. Her son is clearly upset and we are not helping. You all have enough photos, Anna is clearly getting annoyed so let's all just back off" Some guy said 

I turned around and seen him smiling at me. I thanked him and walked away, thankfully they listened to that guy and stopped.

*We all know the media isn't like that in real life but ya'know*

"You are meant to be at school aren't you?" I asked Em when I walked through the door

"Yeah but my teacher was annoying me so I just walked out and came home" She told me 

"That isn't like you Em" I said confused 

Emily has never been like that, she is normally so well behaved at school and causes no trouble so it's hard to believe she walked out during the day.

"Well I have a meeting in half an hour so I will drop you back on my way. You can't just walked out of school mid day" I told her 

"I'm not going back to school" She sighed 

"Then I will drop you off where your mum is having her meeting and you can sit with her"

I am not going to argue with her because she isn't even my kid. Have never argued or told Em off and I never will. Britt can deal with all that. She is the same with Charlie though, she will never disagree, argue, say no or tell him off. I am always the one to do it. 

Once I had a quick bite to eat and a drink I headed out to my car with Emily and Brody. Britt's meeting was in the same building as me so at least I didn't have to drive Emily somewhere else. When we got there I got a sleeping Brody out and placed him on my hip, locking the car and walking in.

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