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I was in a meeting with Elizabeth about Pitch Perfect 3. Anna was meant to meet me here but she is yet to turn up. I left early this morning since I had to go over to my mums for something so I just came straight here, I am guessing Anna is still in bed, she is so frickin' lazy! All the kids were out the house last night. Em was round her friends, Charlie was with Skylar and Brody was at Marks house since Mark hadn't seen him in ages. 

"I'll try ringing her again" Elizabeth said and I nodded 

"Anna! Where the hell are you? You were meant to be here an hour ago!"

"She hung up on me" She said, pretty annoyed 

Anna can have good days or bad days and it looks like she is having a bad day. People always ask me how I put up with her but they never see the loving, caring, funny and childish side to this little weirdo. Sure she can be moody and have a bad attitude but I love her so much and would not change a thing about her! I really don't care if there is a 6 year age gap, I know someone who is 12 years younger than their husband and they have such a great marriage.

"Since we don't have anything else to discuss until Thursday when everyone meets up for the main meeting, you can go Britt. Would you please get Anna out of bed and here?" She asked and I nodded 

I gave her a quick hug before saying goodbye and making my way back home. Once I got home I headed upstairs to see Anna asleep. I sat down on the bed and shook her shoulder. 

"I know you don't want to get up but you need to go see Elizabeth about Pitch Perfect 3 baby" I said softly 

She sighed slowly but got up. 


Once I was finally ready I headed out to my Range Rover. I took a quick snapchat before heading off obviously because I am obsessed with it. 

After I put it on my story I made my way to see Elizabeth

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After I put it on my story I made my way to see Elizabeth. I am way too tired today, I ended up going to sleep at about 4 am because I had so many emails to answer. My own fault since I let my inbox get so full. Bad idea because I had so many to answer, still got more to reply to later which really sucks. I have a meeting with the director about the film Table 19 next week. We had one last scene to film and they just wanted to discuss that with everyone.

When I got to Elizabeth's office I headed inside.

"Sorry about this morning" I sighed as I walked in

"It's fine Ann. Tell me what is going on with you at the moment? I am not talking about PP3 without you telling me how you feel and everything. I can tell something is wrong, you are never normally like this. Yes you are late but never because you decide to sleep in" She said 

"I'm fine" I smiled 

"I have known you since you were 10, you can't lie to me"

"I'm tired and so fucking stressed. I have so much to do at the moment and just no time. I have been sleeping shit because I just have so many companies emailing me and I am honestnly struggling to keep up at the moment. I have Brody who is just acting up all the time, I want to spend time with my kids but again, no time. Britt is such a great girlfriend and I feel so bad that I went to sleep early the other day because I could barely keep my eyes open and she cleaned up after dinner and did most the house work. I should be the one helping her but I just can't find the fucking time and it's pissing me off because I feel so shitty and useless at the moment! Why do I feel this low?" I said, a few tears rolling down my cheek

"Oh Ann. Why didn't you tell me sooner. You know I am always here to help you out. You are young love, most people your age don't have this much work to do. Just let me help you okay? Don't think you can't ask me.Pretty much all celebrities have people to do this for them so if I was you just let someone else do it for you, if there is anything that stands out and is important then they will forward it onto you, that way you don't have so much work to do at home then" She told me 

"Can you help me please?" I mumbled

I hated to ask for help but I was struggling to find time to do everything else. I just want time to myself some days. 

"Of course" 

I thanked her and she began to tell me about PP3. Just when the main meeting was, who was in it, the story base etc. It sounds like it will be a good one. Pretty excited to start filming it.

"That is pretty much it until Thursday's meeting, what have you got going on in the week?" She asked me 

"Photo shoot tomorrow morning then a free afternoon. Wednesday I have an interview with Zac, talking about Mike and Dave need wedding dates, Thursday this meeting and then Friday I have another photo shoot and then Charlie has parents evening which I need to go to. Then got the weekend free so far" 

Elizabeth then just said about email stuff which she will now sort out for me, I thanked her again and we had a hug before I left to go back home. I am so glad I don't have to worry about emails now, I can just go home and relax for a little bit.

*Short and crappy but I won't be able to update until the weekend because I have college this week and have no time! :(*

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