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We have just arrived at our hotel in Sydney. We are all knackered so we are off to bed. I said a quick goodnight to the kids and me and Anna headed to our room.

"I'm going for a shower, I have been stuck on a plane for 24 hours and I feel icky" Anna mumbled 

"May I join?" I asked and she smirked at me 

Once we had both showered and dried, we got into bed. I wasn't as tired as I was, the shower was woken me up a little. 

"Are you tired?" Anna asked me 

I replied saying no so we cuddled and talked for a while. We was cuddling when I felt Anna kissing my neck.

"Anyways, Night baby" She said, I could tell she was smirking 

"Kendrick I wouldn't turn me on like that and then go to sleep" I huffed and she laughed 


I woke up to hear someone knocking on our door. I grabbed a dressing gown and put that on, heading to the hotel room door. I opened it and seen both kids standing there, all dressed and ready. 

"Are you two ready for breakfast?" They both asked 

"Just woke up, You guys go down if you want. If were not down in 20 minutes then were not hungry" I smiled and they nodded happily 

I wasn't too hungry and I know Anna wouldn't be. She hasn't been eating much lately and I am king of worried but it's not as bad as it's been before. She still has dinner but some days that's all. If it gets worse I will talk to her or Elizabeth. 

"Baby are you up?" I said as I decided to get ready 

"Mmmm" She mumbled

I was going to go in there but then I heard her walk into the wall, How she is so clumsy I will never know! Once me and Anna were both ready we sat in the living room area of our hotel room and decided to watch some TV. We wasn't hungry so we would get lunch out later.  I think we was going for a wonder round today, just to see a few things which should be good!

After about half an hour we heard the kids knock on our door. We turned the TV off and headed out. We don't know where we are going but it's a nice day so we aren't really bothered. We took a few pictures at places, Emily bought her tripod this time so it was much easier.

 We took a few pictures at places, Emily bought her tripod this time so it was much easier

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*Another Photoshop, I am shocking at these but thought I would try!*


"Can we go back to the hotel now and chill? My feet are killing me!" Emily said 

"Were just round the corner, You shouldn't of worn heals! You are only 17, I don't want you wearing them" I said and she rolled her eyes 

I ignored it and we headed back to the hotel. 

"Me and Charlie are going to go and watch some TV, When are we going down for dinner?" Emily asked us 

"I don't know. Whenever you guys want I guys" I said and they both nodded

We headed into our rooms and me and Anna headed straight to our bedroom. Our feet were killing us so we just wanted to watch TV and cuddle. Well *cuddle*.

After 25 minutes we heard a knock at the door. Are you kidding me? Anna got up and quickly put her dressing gown on. 

"Can you keep it down please? I don't know what you are doing in there but whatever is banging against the wall is too loud for us" I heard some old couple tell Anna

I couldn't help but laugh. I could tell Anna was trying not to laugh too.

"Yeah sorry, The picture fell off the wall so we had to try and get that back, Don't want the hotel staff billing us for a broken photo" Anna told them

"Ah that is quite alright dear!" They said happily 

As soon as I heard the door close I burst out laughing. I hit Anna on the arm and we both just laughed for about 10 minutes straight. We then decided to have a shower and watch some more TV. I think we are going out for a nice meal tonight so we was all dressing up. There was a 5* restaurant that Charlie had seen earlier so we said we'd go there tonight. It was posh, very posh! Of course we can afford it but Anna is probably going to get us kicked out! Her bad attitude and swearing is enough for that to happen!

"Can you please watch your mouth tonight? We are going to a 5* restaurant and they are not going to want to hear you swearing" I said 

"I don't swear around the kids!" She said, acting hurt

"Oh please! You swear in front of the kids all the time, And you wonder why Charlie and Emily swear when talking to us" I laughed 

They don't mean to swear, I guess it just comes out. We don't get angry because one, we were probably swearing at there ages and two, its out fault they hear it. They hardly ever swear, Well Charlie has done before when hes angry.

I decided on wearing a red dress and Anna wore a black and white one. She looked beautiful. I smiled at her as she sat in front of the mirror and did her make up. I got my phone out and took a picture of her. She looked beautiful and I just wanted a picture of her so I can look back on it. Sounds cringe but I love her with all my heart.

Once she was finished we grabbed our purses and phones and headed out the door. The kids were waiting outside and they looked lovely too. I am so happy to have these guys. I love them and could not wish for anything more at this moment in time!

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