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*I'm getting rid of Anna being pregnant again so I know in previous chapters it says she is but she isn't, I just don't want to go back and edit it all out so sorry about that!*


 think we begin filming PP3 very soon which is pretty exciting! 

"I don't want to go and see dads new girlfriend" Charlie complained 

He had actually never met Anna C so he has no idea what she is like. I have told him about 200 times that she is lovely but he doesn't listen.

"Well you are. You are meant to be at your dad's this weekend and you aren't cancelling it" I told him 

"Why should I have to listen to you mummm" He whined 

"Because I was the one who was in labour for 48, I gave you life. I think that is why you have to listen to me. You think being in labour is fun?" I smirked 

"Fineeee just stop talking about it" He huffed and I laughed 

About 5 minutes later I heard the horn of Skylar's car. I told Charlie and he said a quick bye and love you before leaving for the weekend. It was just Brody in the house this weekend as Em was also away, she was at some cheer camp again, I haven't spent time with her in ages so that sucks big time.

"We're back!" I heard Britt say

I turned around from where I was standing and saw Brody smiling happily on her hip. She placed Brody down on the floor and we waddled away to the sofa. He is now 2 which is scary, he is growing up too quickly. He is just such a sweetie and is being so behaved at the moment. We moved him to a toddler bed and he seems to love it so far.

"Mummy l-look!" He shouted happily 

I looked at what we was laughing at and it was a Spongebob episode. I smiled at him and he carried on watching it. The TV was already on when he came back.

"You were watching Spongebob?" Britt smirked

"It's a good show!"

She she rolled her eyes and we had a quick kiss before she headed upstairs to shower. I headed over to the sofa and sat down, Brody crawling onto my lap. He had his head leaning on my shoulder. I smiled softly at him. He is just such a cuddly little monster. 

I took my phone out my pocket and took a picture of him and posted it on Instagram with the caption 'Spongebob with this little cuddle monster'. I have so many pictures of him and Charlie on Instagram. I had a few of Em but she is always out so I don't see her as much as my two boys.

I decided to take Brody to the park since it was a pretty nice day and I had a free day today. I did have a bunch of emails to reply to but I can do that in bed later. I did ask Britt if she wanted to come with us but she said she was going to pack her suitcase for her trip. She was going to see her old school friend who lived in Canada. She was taking Em with her so that sucked because I can't spend time with her, there is never any time for just me and Em to hang out. It was alright though I guess. Just me, Brody and Charlie for the week.

When I got to the park I seen Anna.C, Skylar and Charlie. Why are they here? I walked over to them with Brody. Once Brody seen Charlie he waddled over to him for a hug which they had. He then went back to playing football with Skylar so I sat on the grass and spoke to Anna while Brody played in the toddler area. He was pretty independent and was fine with going down the slide and climbing so I didn't need to help him but I will keep my eye on him since I know what he is like.

"Are you excited for Pitch Perfect 3?" I asked 

"I am! Trebels aren't in this one so I am wondering what the story is" She said and I agreed 

"You know he has your attitude. Just the way he talks, he is defiantly your son" Anna laughed 

"Has he been rude to you?" I asked, a little concerned 

I would hate for Charlie to be rude to her. 

"Oh no! He has been lovely but from what I have learnt so far about him he just seems so much like you, I am sure his temper is the same though!" She said and I laughed but agreed 

"He is like Skylar too though in quite a few way. You may not notice it at first but the more you see and get to know him, you'll notice" I told her 

"Did Britt not want to come with you two?" Camp asked 

"She is packing for her week away" I replied 

After talking and playing with Brody for an hour I decided to head home since Brody was beginning to get tired. I said goodbye to them all, giving Charlie a hug and headed home.

When I got home I seen Brittany on the sofa watching some cooking show. How people find these interesting I will never know! I headed over to the sofa, sitting next to her and giving her a quick kiss. Brody had fallen asleep on my hip on the way home so I am just going to let him sleep in my lap since I didn't want to wake him up to change him out of his jeans.


Me and Britt was currently in bed on our laptops with F.R.I.E.N.D.S on the TV. I was going through my emails until I came across an email that said Gucci had a new stock of kids clothes so I of course had to look. I ended up buying some things for Brody, Charlie and also Em. I got Brody a top, bottoms and two pair of shoes. I got Charlie a top and jumper and then Em shoes and a top. I didn't get Charlie any shoes since there was none he would of liked. He is pretty plain with shoes.  I ended up spending $2,705.00


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I went onto my Instagram and posted this;

I went onto my Instagram and posted this;

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*Those editing skills though. Holy shit. It sucks but it's as good as I could do! Ughhh*

I could feel Brittany looking at me so I slowly turned my head and looked at her.

"You spend way too much money Ann. What the hell did you buy?!"

"Just some clothes and shoes for the kids, Come on! Look how cute these little shoes would look on Brody" I smiled 

"They would look very cute but spending over $200 on a pair of shoes isn't the best idea baby" She smirked and I just shrugged 

We spoke for an hour before deciding to get some sleep as we was getting up earlyish tomorrow to go and see Elizabeth.

*I suck I know. Mistakes will be checked later*

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