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Today Skylar was coming round so we could talk about the plan for when the twins were born. It was going to be so awkward around here for the first few months but we are just going to have to work it out. I am not having Skylar do what he did to Charlie, he will be there for the twins.

"You know how hectic it is going to be around here soon? Me, You, Em, Charlie, Brody, Skylar and 2 babies. 8 people in one house? I know there is going to be many arguments" Brittany said 

"Yeah but even when Skylar isn't here it will be busy. Still 7 people in one house, 3 of them being under 3!" I said 

She agreed. I am not even mentally prepared for this kind of stress. I do not want 5 kids. Do not get me wrong, love them all but it isn't my idea of fun at the age 21. 

"Right come on then, we have hospital before Sky comes round" I said and we both got up


"Okay so little one is looking healthy! Are you wanting to know the gender this time round?" My doctor smiled happily 

"Little one? not little ones?" I asked, pretty confused and worried 

"It is defiantly just one Anna, see?" Dr.Matthews smiled, showing me the scan 

"So why did we get told it was twins?" 

"I will have to look more into this. I can tell you now though that I have not once seen a note on the system, I will ring you two later on once I have checked it all out" She told us 

We nodded and thanked her, saying goodbye. 

"You know I am king of glad it isn't twins" I said 

"Sounds bad but me too, think 3 kids until 3 is too much to handle at the moment" She said 

"At the moment? I am not having anymore kids snow" I huffed 

"I know that but I was just saying"


When we got home Skylar was just coming up the drive. He actually had Brody with him since we had no one else to ask and Brody was not coming to the hospital with us. Of course if no one could look after him then we would have had to take him. Recently he has been a little shit while we are out so prefer not to take him to the hospital when he is like this!

"Did he behave?" I asked

I put Brody on my hip and he put his head into my neck, someone is tired.

"Not really. We went to the park and he pushed some little kid off the little climbing frame and then bit another child" He told me 

I sighed and nodded, thanking him for looking after him. We all headed inside and sat on the sofa, Brody was asleep on my lap. I wasn't going to put him upstairs because he would just cry and plus I wanted to have a cuddle since I haven't seen him all morning.

"So there was a massive confusion or mix up, whatever it was and it isn't twins, just one baby. Not that I am complaining" I told him 

"Okay, how did they even manage that" 

"No idea, she is looking into it for us" 

"So what is going on? Am I going to stay here for a few months or what?" Sky asked

"I think it'll be easier to stay here in one of the spare room, just so you do not have to keep coming over everyday" Brittany told him 

He agreed and we just began talking about a few more other things. God help me the first few months. 

"Does Camp know?" I asked

"No. She has been out of town for a few weeks and I am yet to tell her" He sighed 

"Let me tell her? It will probably help, I will explain everything. She can't be angry at me. I mean it isn't my fault you two decided to sleep together" Brittany said

She sounded smug which really annoyed me.

"Why are you saying it like that. You know it wasn't something we meant to do. I have said sorry a million times and you are still being weird about it" I said 

She just ignored me, going to call Anna C.

"She isn't over it. I know Brittany too well and I can tell that it is bugging her. I don't think she understands how sorry I am and how much of a mistake it was. It makes me feel like shit when she says shit like that. You know?" I just spilled to Skylar 

He nodded and huffed sadly.

"Yeah I can imagine Anna C won't be too happy about it either. I am not going to be made to feel like shit. I know what we did was wrong and it defiantly won't be happening again! I mean you are gay, it was a drunken mistake and if they are going to be like this the whole pregnancy then I am not going to be too happy" 

"I am with you on that one. Oh and by the way Charlie feels like we will forget about him and not spend days alone with him so both of us need to spend time with him without the baby. I am not having our son feel like that" I told him and he nodded

"ThankYou for being there" 

*Shitty I know but I just needed to update*

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