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*ThankYou all for messaging me last week!! It means a lot to me and if any of you guys need to talk I am here to listen and try to help! Still feeling a bit shitty about everything but I always do so I am kind of getting used to it! I like to update when I feel like this though*


I was currently in bed on my laptop, we are moving house since this house is 4 bedrooms and we want more. Plus this area we are in is having a block of flats being built just down the road and we don't really want to live near so many people and plus they are going to take atleast a year to build and it's going to be loud and annoying. This house will easily sell though so as soon as we find one we like this will go up for sell. 

We have picked out two houses with the kids but now we just have to decided which one to go for, the kids didn't mind which one so it was up to me a Britt. The first one has 5 rooms but no pool and the second one has 6 rooms with a pool. They both have everything else that we have here such as; games room, movie room, en-suit bathrooms etc. If we choose the first one then we can easily get a pool put in but it will take a while obviously.

I think the 6 bedroom one since we wouldn't have to wait for the pool to be built and plus there is then 2 extra rooms. Me and Britt have spoken about having another baby but not at the moment since we have such a busy year.

I had called Britt and she also decided on the 6 bedroom one, so I placed an offer, I'm almost 90% sure no one will bid any higher, well I hope the don't because looking at this house again I really like it!

I had called Britt and she also decided on the 6 bedroom one, so I placed an offer, I'm almost 90% sure no one will bid any higher, well I hope the don't because looking at this house again I really like it!

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The only annoying thing with this house is the garage is right round the side of the house but there is a door that leads into the house from the garage. There is also a big main gate so it's still private so I can still park my car out front if I was too lazy to put it in the garage, which I normally am.

*2 Months Later*

We are not all moved into our new house! Our old one sold quickly so that was great! The kids like this house better since it's more spacious, plus Charlie likes how we can skate out front because at our old house there was only the drive way that lead down to the gate.

"Anna I swear to god if you don't start putting your shoes out the way of our bedroom door I will seriously throw them away!" Brittany huffed as she came downstairs 

"I can't be bothered to put them away" I said, rolling my eyes 

"Well you better start" 

I just ignored her and headed out the front of the house to get Charlie in for dinner. Em was already in the living room and Brody was wherever we was because he is going through a stage where he hates to be away from me or Britt. Like the other day I left him to watch Spongebob for 2 minutes while I got him and myself a drink and oh my god, it was like world war 3! He just began screaming and chucking everything he could find around. I felt like slowly sinking away. 

"I am going to be home late tomorrow since I am helping with the school's talent show" Em told us as we finished dinner

"Okay Em, just text us when you are finished and one of us will pick you up" Britt told her and she nodded happily 

Once dinner had finished Charlie and Em went upstairs to shower and get there school stuff ready for tomorrow, so many people ask why we don't have them home-schooled or in private school but they didn't want that since they would just feel different to every other child there age. Brody will be going to pre-school when he is 3 which I am not looking forward to, he is growing up to fast! He isn't even 2 yet though so I still have a year and a half until that!

"It is time for your bath smelly monkey!" I said as I picked Brody up from the sofa

"Nwo" He mumbled into my neck 

He will now have a tantrum about not wanting to bath but he is having one, crying or not. Britt agreed to clean the kitchen, I did it the other day so she said she would today while I bath Brody.

Once I had finally got him into the bath I washed his hair and body then  getting him out and into his Mickey Mouse PJ's. At about 8 I put him to bed since we seemed so tired today, we did go to the park today with Elizabeth since me and Britt haven't seen her since we moved.

"I swear he hates baths! It's like he wants to smell" I huffed as I sat on Britt's lap

"Just as stubborn as his mother!" 

"I don't know why you are calling yourself stubborn, you shouldn't put yourself down like that you know!" I smirked 

"You cheeky little midget" She said, giving me a kiss

"A midget that you love"

"Yep, I love you so much baby" She smiled 

"I love you too" I said softly

After us watching a film with Charlie and Em they headed to bed, as did me and Britt but we decided to watch FRIENDS since we love it!

*I haven't updated in so long, I am so sorry but I started college again so I haven't had time! Can Christmas break just hurry up already? Will proof read tomorrow!*

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