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It is December so Christmas is so close. Good thing about Christmas is the kids behave, most the time. Well Emily does, Charlie not so much but he tries. This will be Brody's second Christmas but he doesn't seemed bothered by it just yet. He was on 2 months old when he had his first Christmas so we don't expect him to be bothered by it when he is only 1, give it a few years I guess.

"Mum when are we putting the tree up?" Charlie asked as he came downstairs


"Don't start without me and Emily" He said 

"We will wait until you are both home, don't worry" I told him and he smiled widely, running upstairs again

Emily and Charlie break up on the 20th December this year, it's a little late but it's okay. On Christmas day Charlie is going to his dads in the afternoon, Skylar did make sure it was okay with me which of course I was. I'm not going to stop him seeing his son. I told him I would drop him round about 3 pm, he was staying the night too. 

At first I was going to ask Skylar to come round here since I thought he was going to be on his own but his family are going round and I think Anna C is also seeing him in the morning. I think them two are pretty cute together but I know Sky doubts dating her because me and him have a child together. 

I was currently in the kitchen making myself a cup of coffee, I was knackered. Brody was up most the night crying because he didn't want to sleep in his room. He has been in his own room for awhile now so I don't know why he was crying about it. In the end I bought him in with me and Britt because I knew he wouldn't stop until I did. He is now sleeping in our bed cuddled up with Brittany, I told her I would sort the two older ones out as she had a big meeting at 11 and needed some sleep before going.

"You two slugs ready?" I asked as they both came into the kitchen 

"Slugs?" They both laughed 

"You are both so slow this morningggg" I huffed dramatically 

"Now move your sluggy feet" I said, pushing them out the front door

Once we was all in the car I began to drive to Em's school first since it was the closest. 


When I had gotten home I just flopped on the sofa since I was so tired and my eyes were literally closing on me.

I was shortly woken up by Brittany.

"Come on Ann, go upstairs and sleep" She said softly 

"No" I mumbled into the sofa pillow

I then felt Britt picking me up bridle style, I put my head in her neck and drifted to sleep in seconds.


All I could hear was my phone ringing so I had to get up in the end. I looked at the time and it was nearly 2 pm. It was Britt calling me.

Anna~ Mhm

Britt~ Sorry if I woke you up baby but I was calling to tell you that there is a meeting about Pitch Perfect 3 tomorrow, it's just a meeting so they can explain to us when we will start meetings for the script, new people etc. It won't be very long

A~ Ugh, what time?

B~ 11

A~ I have another meeting at half 9 so I may be a little late, also Brody is going to be with me because I am picking him up from your mums after my first meeting

B~ I'm sure that's fine. I am leaving my meeting now anyway, can you run a bath for Brody too? He was at the park with Elizabeth and decided to jump in a muddy puddle and it is everywhere! 

I said I would and then we said goodbye. That child always goes for muddy puddles, he is like a dog! Bless him. Once I had run a little bath I heard the front door open and Britt walk up the stairs with a crying Brody.

"Someone doesn't want a bath" Britt said 

When I seen them walk into his bathroom I was shocked, I thought it would be a little mud on his arms but it's everywhere! Even in his hair and under his t-shirt! 

"Good luck Kendrick! I am going to make some food for us"

"Leave the mud monster with me why don't you!"

"I had that mud monster in my clean car! Your turn" She smirked, going downstairs 

Once I had cleaned got him all cleaned I put him in his Toy Story pj's. He loves Toy Story now. I then headed downstairs with him on my hip.

"That's better" Britt laughed

I glared at her for making me bath him, I hate when he went in the mud. He has ruined 4 pairs of his shoes because of the mud, we could wash them but there was really no point so we just buy new ones. We are going to try and stop him from jumping and going in the mud from now on because one, it's horrible and two, when he goes to daycare and they go on trips, they will be rather annoyed with the one misbehaved kid that jumps in mud.


Once all the kids were home we finally got round to putting the Christmas tree up. None of their presents will go under the tree yet though because they always shake them and try figure out what they are. Saying that I do that all the time with mine, I am just as bad!

*Updated after 10 years! It's finally Christmas break though!*

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