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Not long left until I have the baby! Me and Britt decided to not find out the gender since we wanted it to be a surprise. Both Charlie and Emily hope it is a boy, I honestly don't mind. As long as he/she is healthy! I have just under a month left. Brittany has now made sure that I am with her, Elizabeth or Mark. She just panics that I will go into labour and have no one around. She worries too much but I find it sweet of her. 

The babies room is all finished, Of course for the first few months the baby will be in our room. Today was parents evening at Emily and Charlies school. So Britt is going to Emily's and then me and Mark will go to Charlies. Mark wanted to come anyway since he had nothing better to do and him and Charlie get on really well!

Me and Mark was currently on our way to Charlie's school now, Charlie stayed at school since there was no point in us piking him up, coming home and then coming back up again half an hour later. Once we got there we seen there was a bunch of paps hanging around outside. 

"Are you going?" Mark asked me

"Oh, Um. Yeah, I just need to ring Britt, I will meet you in there" I told him and he nodded

I got my phone from my pocket and dialed Brittany's number.

Britt: Anna? Are you okay, What's happened baby?

Anna: Britt there is a bunch of paps hanging around the front of the school. I don't want to get out the car and now I am panicking, Britt-

Britt: Okay calm down babe, Just keep your head low and walk right past them. You don't need to panic okay? You are only going to be walking past them, they won't touch you. They aren't aloud to come up close to you, remember what Elizabeth said? I have to go now since we are seeing Ems next teacher, I will see you at home and we will talk about it in bed okay baby. I love you so much!

Anna: Okay, I love you too

I hung up and sighed heavily. I stepped out the car and headed into the building but of course I had about 100 questions being shouted at me.


Charlie's parents evening is over and the feedback was all good, a little chatty in some classes but other than that he is doing really good!

"I'm going to take Charlie out, The fair is down again so he wants to go. We would ask you but we think its going to be too busy and no one wants you being shoved around" Mark told me

"Course! I will drop you both off now, ThankYou Mark" I smiled and he returned the smile

Mark was good with Charlie. Always taking him places when me or Britt couldn't. I would love to go to the fair with them both but like Mark said, I don't want to be shoved around when I am pregnant! I love seeing Charlie happy and since he has been behaving in school he can go to the fair.

Once I dropped them both off I headed home, They are going to get a taxi back when they have finished. When I got to the gate which leads up to the house there was more paps there. Of course they wasn't aloud in but the fact that they are outside our area is annoying. I luckily had blacked out windows so they couldn't see in.

As soon as I parked the car outside the house I walked inside and headed straight upstairs and into mine and Britt's room. I got my phone out of my pocket and noticed I had a message from Mark and also a message from an unknown number. How the hell did they get my number? I looked at Mark's first.

'Hey, Going to take Charlie back to mine since he misses Leo, Will drop him back in the morning, That okay? xxx' He texted 

Leo was Mark's younger brother, He lived with Mark since their parents are always on business. I texted back saying it was fine and to have a good time.

'Hey Ann, It's Skylar, New number. I wanted to talk about Charlie...x'

I didn't reply, I just threw my phone against the wall. That's my phone now smashed. About 10 minutes of sitting and crying against the wall I heard Brittany walk in. I didn't hear Emily with her so I am guessing she has gone out with some friends. I quickly stood up and wiped my tears. 

I headed downstairs to see Brittany. Once she seen me she smiled widely and we had a quick hug and kiss.

"How're you baby?" She asked as we sat down on the sofa

"I'm fine and how are you?" I said leaning my head on her shoulder

"Worst liar ever, What's happened?" She asked 

"Skylar wanted to talk about Charlie"

"And are you going to talk with him?" She said 

"I don't know, I mean I should but I just don't think I can deal with it all right now, Because if we meet in public then someone will hear us and it will be all over the news, I don't need that for me and defiantly not for Charlie" I told Britt

She nodded sadly and we decided to cuddle on the sofa while watching some boring show that she wanted to watch, So I just decided to fall asleep in her lap.

*How was it?! Will check for mistakes later*

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