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Brittany was at some meeting so it was my job to pick Charlie and Emily up. Once I got to Britt's parents house both kids came out and got into the car. I said a quick ThankYou and drove away to the school.

"Bye Em, See you later" I smiled

"I am going out with some friend after school so I will walk home, I will be home about 7ish!" She told

I nodded and drove away. As soon as me and Charlie got home I made him some breakfast. He never eats at Britt's mum and dad's. I am not sure why he just doesn't like to eat around them.

"Do you have any idea of what kind of school you want to go to Char?" I asked

"I want to go to a private school. I hate public school mum. They are all dicks there and I can't stand it! I know private schools are too expensive but I would feel a lot more safe and happy at one" He sighed

"Alright Char, We will look later okay? If you want to go to a private school then you can!" I told him and he smiled

Once we had finished breakfast we began to search for different schools. After about half an hour of looking we found one that Charlie liked the look of. I was about to ring them up when I got a call from Brittany.

"Hey, I am about to leave from my meeting but Elizabeth asked if you could come up since she wants to talk to you. I'm not sure what she wants to talk to you about though!" She told me down the phone

I just sighed and replied to her.

"I will leave when you get home since Charlie is at home until we find him a new school" I said

She said okay and we both hung up. After a good 15 minutes a happy looking Brittany walked through the door.

"Hey babe!" She smiled

I got up from the sofa, placing my laptop on the table, and walked over to her. I gave her a hug and a kiss. 

"Are you able to call up this school for me please? It is the school Charlie wants to go to but I can't if I need to go and talk to Elizabeth" I asked

"Course! Takeout for dinner?" Britt asked

"You guys can, I am starting a new diet" I said 

Brittany frowned at me?

"Why are you frowning at me?" I asked her

"You do not need to diet! Ann if anything you are too skinny babe!" 

I sighed but said I wanted to diet, Of course she will bring it up later.

'Anna where are you?!' Elizabeth texted me

'Leaving now! Chill out Banks'

"I have to go, Elizabeth is going to get pissed of otherwise" I said

I gave Charlie a quick kiss on the cheek and Britt a quick kiss and hug before leaving. Why does Banks even need to talk to me?

Once I got there she looked a little angry, Oh great!

"Cheer up Banks!" I smirked

"Sit down Anna" She huffed

I rolled my eyes at her and sat down.

"You need to stop getting so angry with everyone all the time, Also I didn't tell Brittany but the press are starting to wonder why you two don't go out in public a lot and I am sure the fans are too, You two hardly spend any time together anymore!" She told me

"When was the last time I got angry at someone! Also how can you say that when you're the one who is sending us to do interviews, new movies in different countries and cover shoots and then saying we don't spend time together!" I spat

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