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Anna has finished The Last Five Years which is amazing because we have all missed her. It's been a month since she has finished so we have all be spending time together. Emily went to a party last night for her friends birthday. She didn't drink because she knew if she did she would be in big trouble! I don't want her drinking at 16! I know most people let their kids but I don't want her doing something stupid! 

Me and Emily are currently down stairs having an argument. This is not a stupid little mother-daughter argument about her having some money or something! This is about her so called 'boyfriend'. Anna is out picking Charlie up from the cinema.

"Emily there is not a chance on this earth you are dating him! I don't even know why you are telling me about it because I am never going to approve of this!" I raised my voice

"What is this argument about?" Anna asked as she walked in with Charlie

"Go upstairs for a minute babe or do something while we talk to Em" Anna told Charlie

"Can I go in the pool?" He asked and Anna nodded

We had a pool inside and also the big one out back.

"So what is it about?" She asked

"Emily has a boyfriend!" I told her

"Why is that such a bad thing babe? She is 16 now" 

"He is 26! 10 years older than her!!" I told her

Anna's mouth hung open as soon as I said that.

"No way Emily! He is older than me for god sake! There is definitely not a chance of you going out with someone 10 years older than you, Especially if he is older than me!" Anna said firmly 

Emily normally listens to Anna when she is being firm, Even though Anna has never shouted at Emily she has heard her shout before. She was having an argument with the producer of a film. She didn't want to do it so the producer got annoyed which of course made Anna angry and an angry Anna never ends without her shouting! The only reason she didn't want to do it was because she would have missed Charlie's and my birthdays and that is something she hates to do. I think that is the only film she has turned down, There may have been another one at some point though.

"I don't care what either of you think or say! I love him and I am going to date him!" Emily shot back

"Emily Rose Snow! You are not dating someone with that much of an age gap!" I said sternly

With me saying that she stormed out the house. I looked at Anna and she could tell I was angry. She straddled my lap and gave me a quick kiss. She is always doing that! I am in no way complaining though! I put my hands on her ass and she giggled. Giggled?! She is such a child!

"Your ass is so peachy" I whispered 

"Well you love peaches so isn't that lucky" She smirked and I laughed

"Emily is so grounded when she gets home, She has never been like that before though, Why did she storm out! She never normally gets angry. It is normally you or Charlie to be the angry ones in this house" I laughed

"I am not always angry!" Charlie laughed as he came back from the pool

He looked over to us and groaned.

"What are you groaning at?" Anna asked

"You two! Always so lovey dovey, Stop being so romantic" He smiled and walked upstairs

We both laughed and decided to get on with some dinner. When I say we I mean me while Anna just sits on the countertop watching. We decided on having pasta and meatballs, Simple thing since I couldn't be bothered to cook anything fancy.

About 20 minutes later Emily walked in the door, She looks like she had been crying.

"I told him what you guys said about me not being allowed to date him because he is 10 years older and he broke up with me because he didn't want to go against what you want for me! So thank you very much for that! For fuck sake!" She shouted before going upstairs and slamming her door

I sighed and looked at Anna.

"She is just angry she will calm down soon okay? Just leave her a minute and we will talk to her later" she told me

I was about to say something when we heard Charlie and Emily shouting at one another. Them two have never had an argument before so this is new! I turned the pasta and meatballs off for a minute while we both go upstairs.

"You are just a gay prick who needs to shut the hell up for once in your life Charlie! Just leave me alone otherwise I will punch you so fucking hard!" Emily spat harshly

I looked to my left to see a angry looking Anna. 

"Let me deal with her okay? Just go and see Charlie" I told Anna and she nodded

We got to the top of the stairs and Emily looked at us both, She looked scared. I pointed to Emily's room and she walked in. I was angry! Charlie was 4 years younger than Emily and she has just been so horrible to him!

"Phone, iPad and MacBook! Right Now! I can't believe you would be so horrible to him like that! Just because you are in a terrible mood does not mean you take it out on everyone else around you! You are grounded for 2 months, no going out, no netball and you aren't going to that Adele concert with Ashley!" I said 

"That is so unfair!!" She huffed

"No! What is unfair is you taking everything out on the people around you because you can't date someone 10 years older than you! Do you know fucking stupid that is?!" I said strictly 

She looked at me in shock. I never swear unless I am really angry. She sighed and handed me her iPad, phone and laptop.

"Can I still go to the cinema tonight though!" She asked

"What the hell do you think?!" I raised my voice and walking out of her room

I went to place her things in mine and Anna's room and headed down stairs. As soon as I sat down I sighed, putting my head into my hands.

"I love you Mumma bear" I heard Charlie say

I looked up and seen him sitting next to me.

"I love you too Charlie" I smiled softly

He gave me a hug which I returned. I asked where Anna was and he said she was talking to Emily. I just nodded and I went to finish dinner with the help of Charlie.

A few minutes later Emily came down and said sorry to both me and Charlie, I want to know what Anna told her. Once dinner was eaten Charlie and Emily upstairs to get ready for school tomorrow.

"What did you talk to Emily about?" I asked

"I just told her that having a boyfriend that much older isn't a good idea since he could be just using her or anything. Also just asked her why she got so angry at Charlie and she said it was because she didn't want to break up with her boyfriend. She now understands that having someone 10 years older than you isn't a good choice to make" Anna explained

"ThankYou baby. I love you" I smiled

"I Love you too babe!" 

The rest of the night we just spent cuddled on the sofa talking and watching TV. About 10 we decided to head to bed since neither of us slept well last night! 

~How was it? Vote and Comment! Will check over for mistakes later today~

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