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I woke up in Mark's spare room. Once I headed downstairs I seen him sitting there with two cups of coffee and bacon. He knows me so well! I thanked him and began to drink my coffee and eat. I had my hospital appointment at 3 pm so I have ages until that. 

"ThankYou for letting me stay here and taking me to bed! Oh and for breakfast but I guess I need to go and sort stuff with Brittany" I sighed 

"No problem Ann, Always welcome. Text me later on okay?" He said and I nodded 

I grabbed my jacket and car keys then made my way home. Emily and Charlie would both be at school/college so it was just me and Britt home. As soon as I got out the car Brittany came running out and gave me a bug hug.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said any of that to you. I love you so much and I made you feel bad about everything" She spilled 

"I'm sorry too, I love you" I said into her chest

We then both headed inside and cuddled on the sofa for a few minutes. After us watching a film and having some lunch the time was 2:45 pm so we decided to leave for the hospital. When we got there we went straight to my doctor's room since we don't have to wait. Perks of having a private doctor and being a celebrity!


"You are having a boy!" She smiled happily 

I looked at Britt and smiled widely. After she went through a few things about the next appointment we made our way home. Since it was Friday today Charlie was getting picked up by Skylar for the weekend and then Emily was going to a friends house after school.

"Do you have any ideas of a name? I know it's early but I want to be ready for when I give birth" I said as we sat on the sofa 

I like the name Brody or Logan.

"I like Tyler or Brody" She said

"I like Brody too!" I smiled happily 

"Brody it is then?" 

I nodded and we both smiled. We decided on cooking some pasta and chicken since we was both hungry. Emily would be home about 9 pm so she will have dinner out.

I had a meeting tomorrow for a new advert. Honestly I could not be bothered to go since I had tons of emails to reply to and also me and Britt was going to do some shopping online for the baby. I had no choice but to go though since I have cancelled a few meeting recently and all because I couldn't be bothered. I am lucky enough to get these adverts and films so I really should go. When I get to 8 months I am stopping work for about 3-4 months until everything is settled. I can still go to meeting etc. I am able to take the baby with me so I am glad about that. It will probably be a 10 times harder to do all this with him but atleast I can look after him and still go to work. I know most people wait until they are atleast 6 months but I really have no choice. I can't drop my work, I wish I could to look after him at home but that's sadly not something I can do.

*Skip to 7 months pregnant*


Anna looks like she is about to pop any day now! I know she is only 7 months but I honestly think he is going to come early! I know it's not normal for babies to come 2 months early but I think he will be since Anna hasn't got a massive bump for being 7 months, the doctor has even said this. He is going to premature. Any baby born before 37 weeks is classed as being premature 

I was currently in a meeting which was annoying because all I wanted to do was go home and chill with the family.When Anna has the baby I have 3 months off too so that is good! I wasn't even halfway through this meeting yet and I was already bored! 

"Brittany did you hear that?" 

Damit, did I hear what?!

"Oh yeah! New movie" I said and he nodded

What a guess! I then felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I got that out and put it in my lap. 

'Anna has gone into labour. We are at the hospital now so meet us here asap xxx' Elizabeth texted

Crap! Okay. I quickly told the leader of the meeting and then rushed out, I didn't care if I got in trouble for rushing out. I will not miss the birth. Once I had gotten to the hospital I ran to her room, we knew what room since we got told last week. I am guessing it wasn't being used until Anna went into labour. Private doctor has it's plus side!

"Hey baby" I said to Anna as I stood next to her 

She smiled weakly and grabbed my hand. She was so tired bless her. I got told from Elizabeth that she was ready to push.

After a few big pushes from Anna little Brody Kendrick-Snow was born! Anna decided on Kendrick-Snow. It's nice that he will have both our names. He was tiny and weighed only 2 lb. Me and Anna were currently on the hospital bed with Brody. Elizabeth has held him for a few minutes before she got called back. She said she would pop round tomorrow day time to see us. Brody has to stay in hospital for another week since he was born so early and is tiny they just need to make sure everything is 100% before he comes home. Of course we wanted to take him home tonight but we know we can't. 

Anna has said she is staying here with him and our doctor is letting her since she has the private room. Me, the kids and Elizabeth will visit everyday and I will probably be up her most the time since I am off work now and want to be here. I will have to go home in the afternoon for the kids though since they still have college and school. 


A week has passed and we are now at home with Brody. Other than him being very light he is healthy. We will be going back when he is 8 weeks old for his vaccinations and just an all round check up.

"Why don't you go and take a nice hot bath baby? It'll make you feel a little better" I said 

Anna hasn't been eating much this week since she is just quite tired and worn out. I just want her to get some rest for a few hours. She didn't want to at first but I promised me and Brody would be fine. She smiled warmly at me and headed upstairs. I gently took Brody out of his car seat and headed onto the sofa with him in my arms. He had hold of my finger with his hand and I smiled. He looked so peaceful and calm. For now!

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