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Skylar has just dropped Charlie back home. He gave me a quick hug and headed upstairs, telling me Skylar wanted to talk to me quickly. I headed outside and seen him with his window down.

"Hey" He smiled 

"Hey Sky"

"I just wanted to talk to you quickly. Have you noticed Charlie has been a little quiet lately? He seemed a little off this weekend, at first I thought he was tired but then the next day was still the same" He said 

"Yeah, He has been but I haven't really thought anything of it since he has had a lot of homework, just thought he was busy or tired of it but if he has been like it the weekend then I will go and talk to him" I told him 

"Alright Ann, well text me or call me later to let me know what is up with him" Skylar smiled and I nodded 

I smiled and said goodbye to him and then headed back inside. As soon as I headed into the living room Brody came running towards me. Only bad thing is he has only just begun to do this so he is not 100% yet and falls over all the time.

"Brody don't r-"

And he fell. Burst out crying, like usual. He doesn't learn from the first time! I walked over to him and picked him up, placing him on my hip. He just cried into my neck until he fell asleep. I can really tell how falling over is tiring. I laughed to myself and went and put him in his cot. I then headed into see Charlie.

"Hey, are you okay? Your dad said you've been quiet all weekend and you've been a little quiet in the week" I said 

"I had a bad week at school, Tom keeps trying to get me in trouble and I ended up getting isolation for something he did. It's just annoying me how my teachers never believe a word I say but they believe Tom because he pretends to be upset about something just so he doesn't get the blame for it. I'm getting pissed off" He sighed 

"Language and I am seriously getting annoyed with your school now. Me and your dad have gone up there 3 times now and tried to sort things but it's no use and I give up Char, I think you are going to have to move schools" I told him 

"I don't want to move schools though mum! All my friends are there. It is just Tom"

"Then I am getting you moved into a different class" I said and he nodded 

I can tell he has had enough from this all. I know soon he is going to flip with Tom and it won't end well. I'm not going to get angry when he does because if the school aren't going to do anything then Charlie is going to have to.

I left him to shower and get his stuff ready for tomorrow. I then headed into my room and texted Skylar and explained to him why Charlie was quiet. I am glad me and Skylar are civil and don't argue, I honestly thought we would.

I was getting pretty bored and I am not going to lie but I want Britt here, we haven't had sex in like 3 weeks and I am on the verge of loosing my mind! I decided to call her.

"Britt where are you?" I whined down the phone 

"I am just about to leave now, why what is up baby?" She asked 

"3 weeks Britt, 3 weeks and I am going crazy! Crazy I tell you" I said dramatically 

"Oh no, my poor baby. Well I think we will have to fix that tonight" 

I could tell she was smirking through the phone. We said goodbye and both hung up. I was about to shower but then I remembered Brody would wake up any minute so I would just shower later. About 2 minutes later Brody woke up. Typical Brody.

After changing his nappy I headed downstairs with him, spongebob time! Not going to lie, I love spongebob so I don't mind when I put it on for Brody, gives me an excuse to watch it without looking childish.

"I'm home Ann!" Brittany said 

"Mumma bear!" Charlie said, running down the stairs 

He gave her a big hug and before they stopped I took a picture. 

"Aw Char" She smiled 

"I just missed you the weekend" He spoke softly 

"I missed you too" 

He smiled happily and then went into the kitchen to get a drink. 

"I also missed my baby" She said walking into the living room area

She sat down next to me and picked Brody up, kissing his cheek. I pouted like a 5 year old and she laughed, giving me a kiss too. I am such a needy girlfriend. Oh well. 

"OWWWWW!" We heard Charlie cry from the garden 

I rushed out and seen he had cut his arm, pretty deep too.

"That fucking skateboard!" I huffed 

Buy him a skateboard he said, he won't hurt himself he said. I knew a bandage wasn't going to help so a trip to the hospital is clearly needed! We all rushed into the car and made out way to hospital. Charlie currently had something to press against the cut.

Once we got there I called Skylar and he got here within 10 minutes, he didn't live far from the hospital.

"Me s-sick?" Brody sobbed 

"No baby, Charlie has hurt himself" I said softly 

Which made him cry harder because he thought Charlie was sick too, he didn't understand that he had hurt himself clearly.


12 stitches later we was home. It was now half 9 so Charlie was in bed and so was Brody, Emily was at her friends for the night, she didn't have college tomorrow.

"Now I can spend time with my baby" Britt said softly as we got into bed 

I gave her a cuddle and we kissed before we put a film on. We wasn't tired so we was going to watch a film for a bit. Of course we didn't really watch it. 3 weeks without sex was hard and now was the time.

*Vote/comment! Will update again soon and will also read over later*

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