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Tired. That's what I am right now! I have been filming for the past 3 months none stop, haven't had one day off but thankfully it's finished. Today was the last day of filming and I could not be happier! The time was currently 1am! As soon as I walked in the front door I noticed that someone was in the kitchen. 

"Em?" I said once I had seen who it was 

She looked at me with tears running down her face. I opened my arms and she rushed over and we had a long hug.

"What has happened?" I asked, sounding worried

I did not care how tired I was, I was not going to have Emily sad.

"Me and mum had an argument. I asked if I could go to a trip to England with the school, which is next month, and she just lost her cool with me and began to say things like how I wasn't mature enough to go to England and how my behaviour is shit so I clearly wasn't aloud if my behaviour wasn't good. I have tried so hard to please her by hanging around with my old friends but they are changing as the school year goes on, getting in trouble, bitching about people. I tell them not to and how we should behave since we haven't got long left until college but they just call me boring or a wimp. I don't want to be called that by my own friends so I go along with them, I just want to fit in for once in my life and the one time I do, I get shouted at!"

"I don't know why Britt would say things like that Em. I will talk to her for sure though! I know how you feel Em. I dropped out of school when I was 10, that was to start off my acting carer though. Lost all my primary school friends. Then got pregnant at 12, I don't regret having Charlie but I regret having him so young. I then got slatted on the news, social medias and around my home town. For his friends though it was Lad Points but for me everyone thought I was a slag. I always got bullied about it. Jokes on them all now though right? I have an amazing job and family" I smiled 

"I want to leave school though Mumma. I am not happy there and if Mum is just going to shout at me for trying to fit in then I don't want to hang around with them friends but I have no other choice. They are in all my classes and I have no one else in my year to hang around with. If I don't go to England they are all going to think that I am boring and just bitch about me. They always bitch about me behind my back! Why are they horrible about me Mumma?" She mumbled sadly 

"They are just jealous of you babe. I mean who wouldn't be?" I said and she smiled slightly 

"I personally don't want you going to England with those people Em but I promise we can all go soon, With the school you will just stay in one place and it will suck. Why not all of us go? It will be 100x times better anyway. It can be your weekend. Go anywhere you want, stay anywhere you want. Unless you want to go to a different country? I will let you and Charlie pick one country that we can go to for a week. Where do you want to go?" I asked 

"Are you serious?!?!" She squealed quietly, since Britt and Charlie were asleep

I nodded and she still stuck with England. I will talk about this with Charlie and tell him that he can also pick somewhere we can go. 

"I am off to bed because I am shattered but stay home tomorrow and we will sort something out about school. Britt has an early morning Advert shoot so it was my job to take you guys to school anyway! Night babe" I smiled 

She gave me a quick hug and we both headed upstairs. I whispered a goodnight and we went into our rooms.  

"Ann is that you?" Brittany mumbled tiredly 

"Yes baby" 

I got out of my clothes and stayed in my Calvin Klein's and bra. She turned over and wrapped her arms around my waist. I smiled and slowly drifted to sleep.

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