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It has been a year since Brody was born and it has gone so quick! Today Elizabeth wanted to take him to the park. I am dropping him round there in a minute, just need to finish getting him dressed. 

He is beginning to walk but can't walk properly just yet

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He is beginning to walk but can't walk properly just yet. He is a little small for being just being a year old but the doctors said it's nothing to worry about, I'm sure he is just going to be short like me. Which everyone seems to find funny. He is also saying a few words, only Mumma, Yes; although it's wes as he says. He is also trying to say Emily and Charlie's names but it's coming out as Emmy and Cha. Which is just the cutest thing ever.

"Doesn't my baby boy look cute today" I cooed as I put his shoes on 

He nodded happily and giggled. I picked him up and placed him on my hip. Britt had an early morning meeting so it was just me and Brody. Charlie and Emily was at school/college. They both adore Brody and have helped out a lot when he was younger and they still do now but since he sleeps all through the night and is on mostly solid food it is less busy and has all calmed down. 

Once I got downstairs I grabbed the car keys and made my way out, locking the door on the way out which was a little hard when you I had Brody playing with my hair, little nerd. I then got him in his car seat and began to head to Elizabeth's office. I had a meeting there anyway so it was easier. There is a meeting room that companies can hire out if there meeting rooms are in use.

It was a meeting about the new film Trolls that is coming out. I am honestly looking forward to all this because I love animated movies! As soon as I got there, I got Brody out and began to head inside, annoying paps were outside taking pictures. Thankfully they didn't shout a bunch of questions though. 

"E" Brody screamed happily as he saw Elizabeth 

She smiled happily and took him out my arms, giving his a kiss on the cheek and he giggled. I smiled at them.

"Right, My meeting is about to start so I have to go but have a good time. You got everything?" I asked

"Don't panic Ann. I have taken him to the park so many times. Go before you are late" She smiled 

I gave Brody a quick kiss and then headed to my meeting. I hate that people think it is wrong to kiss your child. It's a normal thing so people need to chill! 

"Sorry I'm a few minutes late, was just taking Brody to Elizabeth" I smiled

"Don't worry Ann. We have another meeting next week so feel free to bring him along! I am dying to see him" Dan said and I nodded, laughing a little 


As soon as the meeting was over we all said our goodbyes and made our way out. It was a chilled meeting, not like others. We all made a few jokes and it wasn't too serious, that is how all meetings should be. The time was now 12pm so I was pretty hungry.

I headed into see Elizabeth and she was sitting on the floor with Brody playing some clapping game with him. I thanked her for looking after him and we said we would meet up in the week for coffee since I haven't just spoken to her about everything that is going on. After saying goodbye to her me and Brody left, Elizabeth had a meeting. Today is just full of meetings for everyone. 

After giving Brody his lunch and making myself some pasta it was half 2 so I had to leave again to go and pick Charlie up. I don't know why Britt wasn't home yet since her meeting was at 9 this morning, I can't remember if she said she had another meeting after or not. 

On my way to pick Charlie up Brody was watching spongebob. We have TV in the car so on long journeys the kids don't get bored or the two older ones can just take there iPad's or Macbooks. As soon as I parked out front Charlie got into the front seat, turning round to say hello to Brody.

"Can I stay over Jordey's tomorrow night?" Charlie asked 

"Sure, don't forget me and your dad have your parents evening tomorrow" I said, driving home 

"Yeah I know but I don't have to be there" He told me 

"Yeah great, leave me with your dad all night" I huffed, rolling my eyes

He just laughed and texted his friend to say he could stay round. I guess it would be good for just me and Skylar to go since I could talk to him about Charlie's birthday, Charlie wants to go down to Florida for the weekend and go to some of the parks. We would fly there since it would take 21 hours otherwise and I am not driving that long with everyone.

For the rest of the evening we just chilled as a photo, Brody got put to bed at half 7 and everyone else went around 10 pm. 

*Vote and comment. Will update again soon*

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