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*Mini rant before I start! I literally feel so alone at the moment. I mean I feel like I'm about to loose my mind, I want tell tell my friends/family how I feel but I just can't. I don't think they would even care and I am pretty scared to tell them that I'm Bi-Sexual. I just find the idea of telling them this kind of thing is kind of scary, people may think I am being a wimp or whatever but I hate to know that they might think I am different and I don't want that. Literally I just want a friend who I can talk to and just for them to be there for me and I can be there for them. Sorry I even shared that but I felt like I wanted to get it out!*


"So a lot of people from the Pitch Perfect 2 cast are going out tomorrow night, a few can't come since they aren't in the country but all the main people are. Just wondering if you and Brittany are up for it?" Elizabeth asked 

I just had a meeting about a new film and I was about to head home. I told her we would go since we haven't seen everyone in ages. I was still annoyed with Skylar for having a go at Charlie. I get that Charlie had been naughty at school on Friday but there was no need to shout at him. Fair enough if he had started a fight or was swearing at teachers but for just being late to his lesson after break is a little stupid! So he was a little late? 

Once I got home I heard Brody screaming 'dup'. What the hell does dup mean?! I walked into the living room and sat next to Britt, giving her a kiss. I told her about tomorrow and she said it sounded good.

"Why is he screaming dub?" I asked 

"He lost his dummy and I have looked everywhere and it is no where to be seen!" She huffed

"Oh, we will have to get a new one soon then, Charlie hated one so didn't want to buy loads just in case" I said and she agreed 

I picked him up and placed him on my lap where he just put his head into my neck, still crying.

"You don't to calm down baby" I said softly 

After about 5 minutes he began to calm down and wanted to watch Spongebob. While he was busy watching that me and Britt decided to go and clean the kitchen since it was so messy! We could still Brody so it wasn't like we just leaving him without one of us watching what he was doing, plus he always gets so into Spongebob so just sits there until it finishes.

"Want to go chill in the garden? It's such a nice day and we are inside" I said 

"You just want to go on the trampoline" Britt smirked and I nodded 

She laughed at me and we headed outside with Brody. He loved the trampoline but preferred his swing. Britt said she would take him on the swing so I went on the trampoline. I loved it and I will still be on it when I am like 50! 


"And that is why you don't try to do a double back-flip" 

I rolled my eyes and got out the car. I can do a back flip so I tried to do a double one, clearly didn't work as well as I thought and I landed on the grass a little too hard, bruising my ankle. We just got back from the hospital, it isn't broken or anything just bruised. Doesn't hurt to walk or anything so I will try the double back flip again soon!

When we got home both Em and Charlie were home, we had to ask Mark to pick them up but sadly he couldn't stay since he had his auntie coming down from Canada

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When we got home both Em and Charlie were home, we had to ask Mark to pick them up but sadly he couldn't stay since he had his auntie coming down from Canada. 

"When Mark said you guys were at the hospital I though it would be Brody but no, it was the other child" Emily said and everyone laughed 

"Yeah haha, very funny" I said, sticking my tongue out 

"Why would you even try a double back flip?" Charlie asked me 

"Gymnast can do it, so I tried"

"Just stick with what your good at baby" Britt smirked 

"What is this?! Gang up on me day!" I huffed, heading into the kitchen 

I heard them laugh but I just stuck my tongue out at them all. Maybe it was a little stupid but too late to go back now! Once I had gotten some water I headed back into the living room and turned the TV on, watching Finding Nemo, it's a cute film! Don't judge me.

"How you have 2 kids I will never know, you are still a little kid yourself!" Britt joked

"It is a good film Snow! I would start being nice to me you know since your birthday is coming up" I said and she laughed 

The rest of the day was pretty chilled for everyone as we just had a family film night and ordered some pizza. I think the kids are going to Britt's mums house tomorrow as we are out and I have no idea what time we will get home, probably not too late though since I can't even drink as the media is going to be filming some little bits from there and if I am caught with alcohol then I will get in some serious trouble as I am not 21 yet. Kind of sucks but I guess it's good since I have a 4 hour meeting the day after so atleast I won't be hungover for that!

*Very short I know! Vote/comment and will check for the mistakes soon!* 

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