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Me and Anna haven't been out just us two so tonight I would love to take her on a date. It was Friday today so many places would be booked up. I decided on looking at 5* restaurants because I know for a fact they won't be fully booked as they are pretty expensive. We only really go to 5* if it's just me and Anna. We have taken to the kids to a few but not since Brody was born. 

"Hey Em, Are you doing anything tonight?" I asked her 

"No and yes I will babysit Brody" She smiled 

"ThankYou! But how did you know I was going to ask?" 

"I heard you on the phone to Rebel. She asked you something and you replied with, and I quote; 'I was planning on taking Anna to dinner since we haven't been on a date in ages', So that is how I know" 

"Ohhhh, ThankYou again Em" I smiled, giving her a hug 

"Before I forget to say, I got a job at one of the local cafes" She told me 

"Why did you get a job? You get money every week"

Her and Charlie get $40 a week from us. Just so if they want anything then they can get it. We're not exactly poor!

"Mum, It is your money and I feel like I need to earn my own money now and stop using yours"

"When did my little girl start growing up" I sighed 

She laughed and headed upstairs. I then went into the living and went on my laptop, it was in here from this morning since I was answering some emails. Anna was currently out with Brody. She had a meeting and since some people wanted to see him. Emily didn't have college today so that is why she's home. Charlie has school but is going to Skylar's for the weekend.

Once I found a nice 5* restaurant I called them up and booked a table. I will tell Anna when she gets home. I booked a table for 6 but we normally got earlier so we can have a drink at the bar and just talk. I am looking forward to it, I haven't had a date night with Anna is such a long time. I miss it.

At about 2 pm Anna walked through the door with a crying Brody.

"What's the matter with this little monkey?" I asked

"We was saying goodbye to Elizabeth and we was walking through the back car park to obviously get to the car. I had to place him down to get the car keys out and instead of standing still he thought it would be a good idea to try and start walking and scrapped his knee, been crying ever since" She told me 

He can stand up on his own but is yet to walk on his own, he's fine if someone is holding both his hands since he can obviously balance and has no way of falling over. Anna then took him into the kitchen to clean his knee up.

"So does my beautiful girlfriend fancy going out on a date tonight?" I asked as I hugged her from behind 

"Omg really?" She smiled happily

"Of course! I have booked Cloe's for 6" I told her 

"I have always wanted to go there, So expensive though babe"

"Money is no issue baby, you deserve a nice night out" I smiled 

She said ThankYou and gave me a quick kiss. 

"I left my phone in my meeting! I am going to have to go and get it, Be back soon!" She huffed

She gave me a kiss and then headed out.

"Shall we get you in the bath, smelly monkey!" I said and I placed him on my hip

He giggled happily and we made our way upstairs and into his room. Every room has their own bathroom. Brody is still in a cot. We are going to put him in a bed when he is 2 years old. We have a cot which turns into a bed so we don't have to buy a whole new bed when we decided to switch him over.

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