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Anna is angry today and I really don't want to be around her when she is like this. I did have a cover shoot in half an hour so I am kind of happy about that. Emily has decided to go swimming with her friends. She did ask if they could come over here and use our pool but I said maybe another day since the cleaner is coming today, The filter has broke on the inside pool and it's too cold out at the moment to use the outside pool. Charlie has also gone out with some of his friends from school. 

I don't want Anna home on her own while she is pregnant but I don't have much choice since I can't cancel this cover shoot.

"Then fuck off" I heard Anna shout

I sighed and walked to the kitchen to see her on the phone. I think it was her brother but I wasn't too sure.

"You have your own money! You don't need me to pay for anything so stop fucking asking" She spat

She huffed and hung up, slamming her iPhone on the counter top. I'm sure that has smashed. She had the iPhone 6s Plus. I had the iPhone 6s, I didn't want the plus since I hated how much bigger it was.

"I'm going to my cover shoot" I said, grabbing some water from the fridge 

She nodded then walked upstairs. That's when I heard our bedroom door slam. I sighed sadly and left. I hated when she was angry because I felt like it was always my fault. I know her emotions are all over the place at the moment but she could at least try and be a little calmer.


I just walked into the house, shutting the front door. It was only a little shoot so it only took an hour. I looked downstairs for Anna and she wasn't there so I headed upstairs. She was in our room then. I walked in and seen Anna crying, sitting against the wall.

"Baby what's the matter?" I asked concerned 

"I didn't mean to get annoyed at you this morning. I didn't even wish you good luck or say that I loved you. I am horrible. I'm sorry for being a bad girlfriend" She cried 

I went over to her and sat down. I pulled her in for a hug and stroked her hair.

"You are far from it Ann. I know you don't mean it but need to try and stay calm babe. I know that is hard for you anyway but you are just working yourself up and it's not good for you or the baby. I LoveYou so much but I hate to see you angry" I told her

She nodded and carried on crying for a good 5 minutes. Once she calmed down I noticed she had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Cutie! I slowly picked her up and placed her into bed. Even being pregnant she weighs like nothing! I got into bed and cuddled her, I can't imagine life without this little weirdo!

After an hour of cuddling Anna began to wake up.

"Britt" She mumbled 


"Nothing, I'm glad you stayed with me" 

"I will always stay with you and you know that babe" I said softly

"Can we go to McDonalds? I fancy chicken nuggets" She smiled

I nodded and laughed. I checked my phone and seen that Emily had just texted me asking if we could come and pick her up. I replied saying we was leaving in 5 minutes.

"Before McDonald's we need to pick Em up" I told Anna

"We also need to get Charlie from the cinema" 

I nodded and we left the house, Anna was in her Adidas jogging bottoms and a baggy hoodie. I was in my black skinny jeans and a white blouse. Even if she is wearing her chilling clothes she looks beautiful!  


Once we got to McDonalds me and Emily decided to go in and order since the drive through was a longer wait. We know what Anna and Charlie want since they always get the same! The line was still pretty long but it was moving quite quickly.

"MUMMA?! EMILY?!" I heard Charlie shout

We both turned around to see Charlie crying heavily. We walked outside since we didn't want everyone looking at us because it would just go on the news.

"Something is happening! She.... She's saying there is a horrible shooting pain!" He cried 

Shit! We all rushed back to the car and I drove to the hospital, We did not care about the food!

"It hurts" Anna sobbed

"We're nearly there baby" I said softly 

I tried to stay calm since I didn't want Anna getting anymore stressed by everyone shouting. Once we got there we ran in and doctors took Anna off straight away. Where the fuck is she going?!!? I hate swearing but I am worrying so much right now!!

*Sorry! Plot twist, Will update again soon. Vote and Comment! Will check for mistakes very soon!*

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