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It is Saturday and so far this retreat is going pretty good. I have been talking to Jennifer and Lisa Kudrow a lot. I have been speaking to everyone else but these two women are so kind-hearted and I love hearing the stories from when they filmed F.R.I.E.N.D.S, they are so funny.

We was all currently at breakfast. Me and Britt were sitting with Ester, Rebel, Skylar, Lisa and Jennifer! 

"You guys happy to see the kids?" Rebel asked us 

Rebel and Jennifer were the only ones who didn't have kids on our table. Lisa does but he is 19 so he is at University so she will see him when she gets back from this. Where as the rest of our kids are all under 14 so we kind of want to see them.


Everyone heard Brody scream happily. Every person who was in the breakfast area aww'd. I stood up and went over there smiling. I took him Elizabeth and kissed his head. Charlie wasn't with Elizabeth and Emily though. I asked her where he was and she told me he's in the bathroom. 

"I have missed my baby boy!" I said softly 

Britt was currently talking to Em. Everyone who had kids was also going to see theirs. 

"Where is Muma?" I said, kissing Brody's nose 

He looked over at her and put his arms out. Brittany smiled happily and took him from me. I gave Em a hug and we spoke for a little while. I then seen Charlie walk in. I gave him a big hug also and talked to him for a few minutes before he went and saw Skylar. I then went and sat back down with Rebel, Jennifer and Lisa. Charlie, Emily and Skylar had gone outside since there was a massive park, this place is also a family get away place but was hired out for the week for this. 

I had Brody on my lap playing with the table cloth, little weirdo.


And we are finally home! The week was good and I have made so many new friends. All kids were out the house. The two older ones were at school and Brody was with Elizabeth since they have been staying at her house, we did say she could stay here and use the spare room for herself but she said she didn't mind having them at her house. 

"Baby I know you might not want to but could you drop me at the nail salon please?" Britt asked 

"Yeah, I was going over to see Elizabeth now anyways. Why can't you take your car though?" I asked 

"It's in for repair remember?" She smirked 

"Oh yeahh, you really should drive more carefully" I joked and she hit my arm 

I used Britt's car last week to go to the shop, since mine was in the garage and hers was blocking it. Anyways, when I came back I may have crashed the back into the wall and made a dent. In all fairness it was dark so I couldn't even see!

We then left and once I had dropped her off I headed over to Elizabeth's house. I like her house, it's nice! When I got there I seen Brody crawling around on the floor, he can walk a little but he prefers to crawl at the moment. 

*I know Elizabeth has kids but in this she doesn't :D*

"No Britt?" She asked 

"Getting her nails done" I said and she nodded 

We just spoke for about an hour before she had to go for a doctors appointment. Once I left with Brody I went back to the nail place and waited for Britt. It would only normally take her about an hour but when she gets talking she does not shut up so I am sure they are doing more talking than getting nails done. 30 minutes later she was finally finished 

"About time" I huffed when she got in the car

"Oh shh, don't use my car and this wouldn't happen!" 

I just rolled my eyes and made my way home, Britt was singing the whole way home and Brody was of course clapping along, I would sing along with her but it's all Justin and I would rather not. I don't hate him but some of his songs are just not my taste.

When he had gotten home Britt decided to make some lunch. Pasta and bacon bits for us and just pasta for Brody. I think we was ordering take away for dinner since we both thought it would be nice to just chill and have a family movie night, the kids love movie nights and since we have missed them it would be nice!

I had a photo shoot tomorrow, I kind of just wanted to relax and stay at home but there is no time for that which kind of sucks. I am going to be so busy this past month, I have a bunch of interviews, meeting, shoots and I'm also heading off to London for an award show. Em has asked me about 10 times if she could come with me for that and I have told her I would think about it but I know I am taking her. I never say no to taking her to an award show, she loves going to them. We would be staying there for 3 days so not very long. It was actually in a week.

"Hey babe you know my award show next week?" I said 

"Yeah, Em has been talking about it for about a month, even when we was at the retreat she was texting me about it!" She laughed 

"Oh wow, well I am taking her obviously but what are you doing?" I asked

"I am staying here with Charlie and Brody. I would love to come and support you but I have a week full of meetings baby" 

"It's fine, don't worry about it" I smiled 

I gave her a quick kiss and then we finally had lunch, the pasta took ages because Britt forgot to put the bacon in the frying pan. It was good though.

"How have you got a bit of pasta in your hair you little weirdo!" I laughed as I looked at Brody

I got it out and threw it in the bin, taking him out of his high chair and placing him on the floor. Then BAM, he began to cry. He wanted to be picked up, he always does this. 

"Emily did that when she was a baby, only for about a month before she realised she couldn't be picked up every time she wanted" Britt said as we loaded the dishwasher 

"He has been doing it for about 3 months now"

We just had to ignore and it broke my heart because he just sat there crying with his arms in the air. 

"Baby, you can't be picked up" I told him 

That just made him cry louder. I sighed and picked him up, heading into the living room where I sat on the sofa, placing him next to me. Wrong choice Anna!

"Nwooo" He screamed 

Oh my dear lord. Since it was nearly time for his nap I went and put him in his room. Once we was in his cot I kissed his forehead and then headed downstairs, after a few minutes he actually fell asleep, we had a monitor downstairs too.

"And he is asleep" I sighed 

"He needs to know he can't be picked up every time he wants" Britt said and I nodded

"I just can't stand to hear him cry like that" I said sadly

"I know baby but he has to learn" She said

I nodded and paid down his my head in her lap. She then began to braid my hair, every time! I smiled and we then just spoke until it was time to get Brody and go and pick Charlie and Em up from school.

*Finally updated. Vote/comment? Will read over later!*

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