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I was now 4 months pregnant. You can clearly see my bump now, It's not as big as it was when I was having Charlie though. I tend to get angry a lot and I really don't mean to, It's just my emotions are all over the place. Everyone does understand since I am pregnant that my emotions will be up and down. A lot! Charlie is back home and I am so glad. Him and Emily have been behaving so much better. Of course Charlie had his off days, normally when he forgets to take his tablet. Emily started to hang around with her old friends so since then she has behaved like she used to.

Today was Monday and the time was half 7. I was taking Charlie to school in 15 minutes, That's the only thing that sucks about his new school. It's a 45 minute drive there and back so I am going to be driving for an hour and a half. I could really use not driving for that long today. I had a meeting with Elizabeth at 11, a scan at half 12, another meeting about an advert that PS4 wants me to do at 3 pm and then Brittany wanted to go out for dinner with the kids. 

"Hey Mark I know that you are probably busy and I know this is short notice but are you able to come and take Charlie to school? I could really use not driving for an hour and a half today" I said into my phone

Mark was my gay best friend. He was like a brother to me so it was worth a shot asking him.

"Of course gurl! You stay at home and relax until your meeting!" He said 

"ThankYou! But how did you know I had a meeting?" I asked

I seen your tweet yesterday, Anyways I am leaving now" 

I said a quick ThankYou again and hung up.

"Charlie, Mark is going to take you to school today since I have a busy day and don't really have the time to drive you today" I told him as I walked into the kitchen

"Oh okay. If you are going to a shop today, Are you able to get me the new X-Box One game?" He asked 

"Why can't you get it?" 

"Because I have school all of this week and then you and Mumma Bear are making me and Emily go to Paul's house this weekend" He said

I said I would try and he thanked me. I was about to say something when Mark texted me.

'Hey, Thanks for telling me about your new big ass driveway! What's the code? xx'

'Sorreh! At least no one can see the house from down there now! Code is 9968 xx' I texted back

The two 9's because that's the date me and Britt were born on, 6th was the date Charlie was born on and Emily was the 8th.

'Tell Charlie I am outside! That is a good 3 minute drive up that driveway!!!! Also I will pop in to see you guys next week sometime! xx'

'Okay love xx'

"Mark is outside. See you later and have a good day! I LoveYou!"

"LoveYou Too mum" He smiled and headed out the door

I smiled and sat down on the sofa.

"Just seen Mark's car out of the window? I am guessing he's taking Charlie to school" Britt asked 

She walked over into the living room and sat down next to me. I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Well I have the day free so I will drop you off at Elizabeth's office and go into town. So text me when you have finished and I will come and pick you up so we can go to the scan?" 

"Sure, Thanks baby" I said happily

"Oh, Could you pick the new xbox one game up for Charlie please? He asked me if I could but I'm not going to a shop today" I asked

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