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I haven't spoken to Brittany properly in over a week. I didn't want to ever since she made that smug comment. She knows how sorry I am but she is still going on about it, it's pissing me off. If she is going to do that then just break up with instead of making me feel like shit.

"Are you actually going to talk to me at all today?" She huffed, walking into the kitchen

"Probably not"

"What is wrong!" She asked

"You keep making smug comments about what happened between me and Skylar. You know how bad I feel about it and how sorry I am. You keep going on about it and bringing it back up. It is making me feel like absolute shit Brittany. If you want to carry on with it then just tell me and I will fuck off somewhere. I am not wanting to feel like shit about it any longer. I have had enough. My own girlfriend is making me feel like shit. The one person I trust and love is making me feel low. You may still be annoyed with me but just come right out and sat it, instead of making sly comments about it. " I mumbled

I just sighed and walked away before she could say anything. I really have had enough and I didn't want my own girlfriend making me feel like shit. I love her and always will.

"Ann! I'm sorry. I didn't realise I was making you feel like this. I never meant to hurt you. You know how much I love you and you know I would never purposely make you feel shit" She sighed 

I nodded and gave her a small smile before heading upstairs, I was kind of tired. Brody was up at 5 am crying and I ended up sitting downstairs with him until it was time for him to go to Britt's mums house.

I then felt Brittany cuddle behind me, putting her arms around my waist. 

"I love you, so fucking much Anna Kendrick" She said into my neck 

"Love you too" I smiled 

I then felt my eyes closing, sleep got the better of me!


"Mummy!" I heard Brody shout happily 

I smiled and slowly sat up against the headboard.

"Nanny give sweets" 

"Aren't you a lucky boy!" I said and he nodded 

"Tired" He mumbled 

Britt was in the bathroom so I got up and picked Brody up, heading into his room. I got him out of his shorts and took his jumper off. I just left him in his nappy since he is only going for a nap. Once he was asleep I headed downstairs to get myself some food. I decided on just making some pasta and a glass of orange juice.

Charlie was with Skylar for the day. Since he isn't in school Sky decided to take him out for the day. We found a school for Charlie, it's a public school which of course he isn't happy about. He starts in September since there was  no point in us putting him in when they only have 2 months left. Until then he is getting tutored every other day since I am not having him doing nothing and not learning until summer break.

"I am off to pick Em up from school, I will see you in a bit babe" Britt said 

"Alright babe"

About 10 minutes later I heard Brody crying. He didn't sleep very long!

"B-belly" He cried loudly 

This was before I even got in his room. Once I opened his door I noticed he had thrown up all over his bed. I sighed and he was just sat up crying his little heart out. He thankfully had no sick on him so I picked him up and placed him on my hip, trying to calm him down. I will clean his bed up once I have got him calm, that is my main concern, Brody. 

"We are back!" Britt shouted 

"Brody has been sick" I said and she came upstairs

Em also came up. I said a quick hey to her before she went to take a shower, I will obviously talk to her more later. 

"Aw Brod" Brittany sighed sadly 

When he had calmed down I put him on his beanbag chair while me and Britt change his bed. I am not good with sick or blood so this was horrible for me. I was trying to get his covers off the bed but I just kept heaving.

"Let me do it" Brittany laughed out 

I was still heaving though, I could smell it!

"S-STOP" Britt laughed 

She couldn't stop laughing at me heaving which made me laugh. After about 15 minutes of just laughing and coughing, well more like dying, we finally changed his bed. By we, I mean Britt.

"I could hear you two laughing from in the shower" Emily said as she walked out her room 

"Sick is not my strong point" I huffed

"I can tell, all that heaving"

I pouted and she laughed. Once I had changed Brody into his minion pj's we all headed downstairs to watch a movie. Brody was sat in Emily's lap since he always wants to when we watch a movie.

"Back" Charlie said, closing the front door

"Hey babe, did you have a good time with your dad?" I asked 

"Yeah it was good! I seen Ester today. She said to ring her tomorrow" He smiled and I nodded

Charlie went upstairs to change into something more comfy and chilled, he then joined us on the sofa to watch Peter Pan, Brody loves it. Of course I do too, Disney is my favourite!

*Kinda crappy chapter but needed to update!*

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