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*The Next Morning*


I woke up at 10:30am, UK time, next to a still very tired Anna. I smiled at her and put my arms around her waist.

"Babeeeee, Why are your hands so cold" She whined 

"They've been out the covers" I told her and she whined....again!

I got out of bed and put on a bra and some underwear. I would shower tonight since I had a shower yesterday morning, 4:30 in the bloody morning, and I simply could not be bothered to shower yet. We was going round London today to see a few sites. I am happy that we have a week to just chill.

"Come on babe, Get up so we can head down to breakfast with the kids" I said 

Anna groaned quietly but got up, she knew I would just keep on at her if she didn't get up. Once we was both ready we headed down the corridor to the kids room. They was a like 4 doors down from us but they didn't mind so it was fine. 

"Ready for breakfast?" We asked as they opened the door 

They both nodded and smiled and we made our way down. When we had all finished breakfast we headed out to main London. Emily was super excited. She has never been to England so this was new for her and it was also new for Charlie. He was excited just not like Emily was! 

For some reason London was pretty quiet which is definitely unusual but I am not complaining! 

"Can we have a family photo outside Buckingham Palace?" Em asked 

"Course!" I smiled happily 

Em had her camera with her so she set it up on some sort of post that was near where we was standing. The area was empty for some reason so it made a good picture because no one was in the background.

(Okay, So lets all ignore my horrible editing/Photoshop attempt of this! I tried but failed, I know it sucks so bad but I fail at life😂😂 Anyways, Hailee as Emily and then Johnny Orlando as Charlie

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(Okay, So lets all ignore my horrible editing/Photoshop attempt of this! I tried but failed, I know it sucks so bad but I fail at life😂😂 Anyways, Hailee as Emily and then Johnny Orlando as Charlie. He is a You Tuber I think, My friend suggested him and he is the same age as I made Charlie so I thought I would use him as Charlie! Carry on!)

"Awh, That's such a nice photo!" Emily smiled and we all looked

"I actually look kind of tall!" Anna cheered 

"You've got heals on babe, take them off and you are like an inch taller than Charlie" I said and everyone laughed 

Anna pouted sadly and laughed, we then all made our way to the London Eye. I knew that we was getting pictures taken of us but thankfully no one came up to us, they just let us be. Why can't they be like that in America?!

"They don't have a Taco Bell around here, I know they do in the UK but not anywhere near us" Anna said sadly 

Her and her Taco Bell! Charlie also loves it. 

"But there is Nandos and I have been dying to try that!" Emily said and Charlie agreed 

We sadly don't have Nandos near us so we have never been able to take the kids there, Me and Anna have had it before when we came to England last year. Since we was all getting hungry we decided to go. 

"I know you want to be left alone and I seem really rude right now but you guys are my idols and when I found out you was coming to London today I freaked out. I am shocked that I have even seen you today. I have been carrying this bag round with me all day hoping I would. There is something in there for all of you. I won't be annoying and ask for a picture or anything. Just seeing you in person has made my day. Sorry for interrupting you, I love you guys so much and I hope you have an amazing trip in England!" A blonde haired girl smiled happily 

"Awh no you didn't interrupt us! We are so happy to talk to you. ThankYou so much for this. We will check it out back at the hotel later! You can have a picture if you want to lovely" I said softly 

She smiled widely and we all took a picture with her. I found out her name was Bailey and she was 15. After talking for a few minutes she had to get back to her family. She carried it round with her hoping she would bump into us! That is the sweetest thing ever!


We have just pulled up outside of our hotel, we had to go in the back way though since a bunch of press and fans had found out where we was staying. I regret saying they let you be. Charlie had fell asleep so I was carrying him in since it was easier because he was next to me.

Once both kids were in bed me and Anna headed up to our room. The time was 9:30pm, I have no idea why they are so tired today!

"Can we open the bag now?!" Anna said happily 

She has been dying to know what is in there so we decided to look. There were two small bags for Emily and Charlie so we left them to one side so they can both open them tomorrow.

She had gotten us a bunch of British Sweets and Chocolate, made us both a bracelet, a Taco Bell voucher for Anna and then a voucher for me too. It was for a bunch of different clothing shops that I like. 

"Omg, She is just the cutest!" Anna smiled happily 

Get her anything to do with Taco Bell and she would love you forever! Bailey had also wrote a letter for us.

"Read it out?" Anna smiled and I nodded

"Dear Anna and Brittany. I have been dying to meet you since I knew you was going to be filming Pitch Perfect. Some people call me weird for wanting to meet you so much but if you are reading this then it has already happened! I can't thank you enough for everything you guys have done. I know you may not realise it but you guys make me so happy. When I am feeling down I will just watch Pitch Perfect 1&2 and it cheers me up. I recently came out as gay and I think that was possibly the worst mistake of my life. Everyone hates me for it, How do you guys not get hate for being yourself? I got told so many times to just be me and I get bullied for it. Enough about that! I hope that you guys are doing very well and I hope that everything with work and just general family life is going amazing! I am sorry for the loss of Brooklyn. She was a beautiful little girl just like you both and Emily and Charlie. 

I'll stop writing here since I could go on forever but thank you again for helping me. I LoveYou both, From Bailey xx

Twitter: Bailey_ABx -You don't have to follow me but please let me know if you read the letter?-" I read

We both followed her and let her know we read the letter.

"I'm going for a shower baby" I told Anna

"I'm coming" 

I laughed and we had a quick shower. I felt all gross since I didn't shower this morning. I think tomorrow we are going to some sort of water park near our hotel, I have no idea why I agreed to it because I don't even want to go. I love swimming, don't get me wrong, but water parks aren't really my thing. Anna on the other hand loves them. Even though we went to one a few months ago and she wasn't tall enough to go on this one ride and she was really annoyed, they let her on anyway since the park was closed just for us so no one had to know.

Once we were both ready for bed we cuddled and talked about pretty much anything. Lets bring on tomorrow!

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