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*Quick note! I am going to be changing the ages! so ages are now:

Anna- 20

Britt- 26

Emily - 13

Charlie - 8

Brody - Still 1



I was currently in a meeting about a new advert. I wasn't going to agree to it at this rate, all they are doing is slagging off Anna and my relationship with her!

"Britt please don't take any of this to offence my dear! We are messing around" They laughed 

"And you call Anna immature?! You are the ones taking the piss out of my girlfriend! You are twice her age and saying this about her and our relationship? So what she has only just 'come out of her teenage years' as you said, but that does not mean she is immature! She has had two children and still goes to meetings, interviews, award shows and movie sets. She even treats Emily as her own and if doing all that at 20 years old is immature then I would hate to think what you all are. Half of you don't even have any of that going for you so before judging her just think about yourselves?" I spat

They looked shocked at what I had said. Before leaving I of course said that I quit the advert. I was not working for them when they are being so rude! When I got home I seen Anna and Brody in the living room, watching spongebob. I swear that is for Anna more than Brody but I honestly love spongebob, even the movies were great! 

"You are back a little early?"

"I walked out, I couldn't deal with them" I huffed

I told her everything they said and she gave me a quick hug and kiss.

"Please don't think any of it is true? I mean I know I am only 20 but I love you so much and I'm so glad I met you Britt. I'm sorry that I cause all of this hate" 

"Baby, don't be sorry. I love you so much. 6 years? So what? There is a few people in that meeting that have a 8 year age gap. Age is just a number and we waited until it was legal. Everything they have said is just bull shit and I am so happy to have you" I smiled 

I never swear so that is when you know I'm annoyed. Luckily Brody didn't hear anything because he is going to be repeating stuff pretty soon. We shared a kiss before going to make some lunch for Brody and ourselves.

"I love you" I said softly 

"I love you too" Anna smiled happily

"Wove y-you" Brody giggled 

We laughed and clapped our hands for him saying a new word. That made him smile even more. He doesn't know what we are clapping for but he loves it when people clap. After we had fed Brody and eaten ourselves the time was nearly half 2.

"We better get going, Kids finish school soon and it takes a good 15 minutes to get to Em's school" I said 

Charlie finishes a little later then Emily so that is why we pick her up first. Anna nodded and we got Brody into the car and made our way. The whole way we just sung along to random radio songs, Brody of course clapping along. Once we pulled up at Em's school we seen her waiting there with her friend.

"See you later Amber" She smiled and got into the back

"How was your day Em?" I asked

"It was alright, oh can I meet Decklyn later please?" 

"Sure babe" I told her and she smiled 


We were all home now, Em has gone out so the rest of us were watching TV. Well I was and I had Brody on my lap giggling at Squidward. Anna and Charlie were online shopping. He needed some new football boots since his are beginning to wear out. He has been doing football since he was like 6 I think. 

"Babe do you want any new shoes?" Anna asked me 

"No thank you baby" I said softly 

I knew she would probably buy me some anyway because she always does. She knows what I like.

"255 dollars just for shoes" Anna said 

Better than last time! She spent like $400 on shoes. 

"Who got me some didn't you?" I said 

"Yes. I also got myself, Brody and Em some too" She said and I smiled 

I love how she treats Emily like her own but I do the same to Charlie. I am so glad the kids are happy about this all. She got me some black high top converse since mine broke last week and I was so angry! I thanked her and she smiled happily.

 She got me some black high top converse since mine broke last week and I was so angry! I thanked her and she smiled happily

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When it got to around 6pm I decided to make some dinner. We was all getting pretty hungry so I made some pasta and meatballs. Brody would just have pasta since we aren't putting him on meat just yet since he needs to be a little older since it is a lot harder to chew. 

While dinner was cooking I called Emily to see when she would be home.

"I am on my way back now, Decklyn's mum is dropping me home"

"Okay babe, See you in a minute" I said before we both hung up


All three kids were not asleep and me and Anna were downstairs watching a film, cuddling on the sofa. I don't know what I would do without this little weirdo! I am so happy that I have her and the kids in my life and I would do anything to keep them all happy.

After about an hour I seen Anna had fallen asleep, she was lying down with her head on my lap. Once I had turned the TV off I picked her up bridal style and headed into our room. She was up at 4 today since she had a morning meeting, coming back before I headed off for mine. So her meeting was pretty long so I am not surprised she fell asleep.

*Vote/comment, I will update again soon! oh and sorry it's short!* 

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