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I was getting ready to go to a meeting with Elizabeth, I don't know what it is about but she said she wanted to speak to me. I was getting really worried that it would be something bad, I mean what if she doesn't want to manage me anymore? She has put up with my bad attitude and behaviour for 14 years, Why would she want to carry on?!

"Babe, Calm down I am sure it is nothing bad okay" Brittany said as she walked over to me

She pulled me in for a hug, placing her hands on my ass. We had a quick kiss before I had to leave. 

"See you later babe!" I smiled and she nodded

I then made my way to Elizabeth's office. 

"Anna! I'm glad you are here" She smiled

"What have I done?" I asked and she laughed

"Nothing don't worry love, I wanted to talk to you about a new film that has been offered to you. It's called Into The Woods, It's set in England which is the only down side so you will be away from Brittany, Emily and Charlie for 3 months. Could be more than 3 months or less depending on how long it takes" She told me

Oh wow. Of course I want it but 3 months away from everyone? I had to take it! I don't usually turn down films.

"Also if you take this then when you get back there is another film waiting for you if you want it, The Last Five Years. That will be set closer to here though so you wouldn't have to worry about now seeing everyone"

"Of course! I will take both! So basically the next six months I will be none stop filming?!" I asked

"You would have about 3 weeks of time at home before filming The Last Five Years" She told me

"I will do it, I don't like to turn down filming" I smiled and she nodded happily

Some actresses/actors do the movies for the money only but honestly I do it because it's something I enjoy! I love to film, Takes my mind of everything. I asked a few questions on who was directing and also who the other cast members were. Once she had explained everything I headed back home. I leave next month to go to England, I have the script with me so I can begin to learn it now. Not to sound big headed but I am good at remembering my lines so I rarely muck up. 

Once I got home I noticed Brittany was on the sofa.

"How'd it go?!" Britt asked

"Good! I have been offered 2 new movies!" I smiled

"Well done babe!" She smiled

"The only bad thing is my first one is in England" I told her

"Did you say yes to it?"

"Yeah, I don't tend to turn down movies. I know I will be away from you guys for a while but I will FaceTime and talk to you guys everyday! I wish it wasn't in England but I can't tell them to film over here" I told her 

"I am happy for you babe, What about the second movie?"

"That is over here so I won't have to be away. When I get back from England I have 3 weeks off so we can all spend time together" I said 

"I'm going to miss you so much" Britt mumbled

"I know, I am going to miss you all so much!" I said


I have almost finished Into The Woods! The last day of filming is today! Brittany is annoyed with me since I didn't call her yesterday but I couldn't! I was filming all day and most the night. I have just come off Skype with Charlie and Emily. Britt was in the shower but I am sure she is still not talking to me. 

I have just been called on set to finish the final scene when Brittany decided to call me. I couldn't answer it and that sucked because she is going to get even more annoyed with me.  It will only take like 10 minutes to film this little bit since we only say a few lines each.

Once the director yelled cut we all hugged and cheered. Once we had all said our goodbyes I headed back to my hotel to pack up my things. There was a end of filming party a few nights ago, We didn't do it when filming finished as some people needed to get back to their countries! Some people live in England so it's alright for them. My flight leaves in 4 hours so I need to pack pretty fast! The only things that sucks when I get back is that it will be 1 am so everyone will be asleep.

'My flight leaves in 4 hours! Had an amazing time filming but I think it's time to see everyone!' I tweeted

I then turned my phone off and began to pack the last little bits. I did some packing this morning so I didn't have too much to do but I still only had 2 hours to get to the airport since I had to be there early since I will be in Upper Class.

I just changed into some skinny jeans and a long sleeved top. Once I was all ready I noticed my car was ready to take me to the airport. Take me home! I am ready to see Emily, Charlie and Britt!


I was finally home! I got my suitcase out the car and walked up the drive. As soon as I walked in the door I seen Brittany sitting on the sofa! It's half 1 in the morning why is she still up? 

"You ignored my call earlier, you didn't let me know when you took off and you never let me know when you landed. I was worried" She said as I sat down next to her

"I know baby, I'm sorry" I sighed

We cuddled and talk for 2 hours before we both got tired and head to bed. 

*Any good?! Vote and Comment and I will update again very soon! Will check for mistakes later!*

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