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(HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ANNA. OMG MY CUPCAKE IS A YEAR OLDER AND I CAN'T HANDLE IT. CARRY ON) (OH AND! You guys should follow me on Twitter;) My username is @Weird_Kendrickx / I will follow you back! )

 CARRY ON) (OH AND! You guys should follow me on Twitter;) My username is @Weird_Kendrickx / I will follow you back! )

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This week has been a nightmare. Emily and Charlie have been getting in trouble at college and school, which is unusual for Em since she is normally so behaved. Brody is now walking but only a few steps before he falls over. He is also misbehaving. He is just throwing his toys everywhere, he bit another child at the park the other day. Oh and let's top it all off by me and Britt keep snapping at each other. We are both busy at the moment and we just keep taking it out on one another.

"Brody! Stop throwing you shoes and Charlie your dad is here! Hurry up!" I huffed

That is one child off for the weekend so it should hopefully calm down a little. Don't get me wrong I always miss him when he goes to his dads but with this week just being so stressed I guess it would be good for him and everyone else. Charlie didn't have school today since he got in trouble yesterday and wasn't aloud back in.

"Bye mum. Love you" He shouted, rushing out the door 

I said a quick bye and that I loved him too. I then went into the living and picked Brody up before we threw anymore of his shoes around the place. They were all on the shoe rack which is now going to be moved! I looked at the time and it was nearly 3 pm so I went and put him down for a nap. 

Once I finally got him to sleep I had to go and clean his mess up downstairs. I honestly just want to chill and watch TV but I know I still have to sort through my emails. Ugh!


98 emails later I was finally finished. 

"Ann, I'm home" I heard Britt say


"Okay so I know how we have been busy and snapping at each other lately and I am sorry. So tonight we are going to have a movie night and chill okay? I love you and I hate it when things get this hectic and we argue because of it" She smiled 

I stood up and wrapped my arms around her waist, giving her a big hug and kiss. Then Em walked through the door.

"Ew, do you have to?" She huffed

"We do yeah" I smirked and she just threw a pillow at us 

Why the hell was there a pillow near the front door? My guess was Brody so I just rolled my eyes. Speaking of Brody, he has just began to cry.

Britt went and got him since she hasn't seen him all day and I went into the kitchen to see Em.

"You will probably say no but I won't even bother asking mum. Can I stay at Peter's house tonight?" She asked 

"If you are talking about 27 year old Peter then no way" I told her 

"He is 10 years older than me! It's not that bad" 

"Yes it is. He is older than me and 3 years younger than your mum! Not find that at all weird?!" I said 

"I guess but he is only a friend, he just wants to watch movies and catch up on things" 

"That's what Skylar told me and BOOM! Here come's Charlie" I said and she laughed a little 

She just agreed not to go round there. About 2 minutes later Brittany came down the stairs with Brody on her hip.

"How about we tell Mumma how naughty you was today!" I said as I took him off Britt

She needed to make dinner, I did offer but she said no because I always seem to burn the meat when we have Taco's. Rude.

"N-nwo" He stuttered 

Britt acted shocked and Brody just put his head into my neck. We laughed at how he felt bad for being naughty. I put him in his high chair since dinner was almost ready, he would have his own food since he isn't ready for all solids food just yet. 

'Hey Sky. Charlie has been a little shit all week so could you try and talk to him about it please? x' I texted Skylar 

I have tried to talk to Charlie but it works for about a week before he goes back to misbehaving.

'Sure Ann. I will talk to you about it when I drop him off Sunday night. I was also just wondering if I can take Charlie away for a few nights. I am going to film an advert but it laps on the weekend x'

'You don't have to ask you know? Just let me, He is your son too x'

'I know but just like to make sure. See you Sunday x'

I then put my phone back into my pocket and got Brody's dinner ready. I was so hungry since I haven't eaten since this morning and that was only some sort of breakfast bar. 

"Em dinner!" Britt shouted and she came running down

Someone is also hungry. As soon as dinner was over we cleaned the kitchen up while Em took Brody into the living room to watch Spongebob. I felt like going in the pool tonight since it was a nice evening for a change and the outdoor pool haven't been used in like a month! It still gets cleaned even if it's not used. 

"Anyone up for the pool?" I asked 

Britt and Em both said no since they had showered today and didn't want to get their hair yet. Wimps. I then went upstairs and got my bikini on, I also got Brody changed into his little swimming shorts. 

Brody loves the water! I had him on my hip and was swimming around.

"Is my baby boy going to try and swim soon?" I asked, kissing his cheek

He just giggled happily and hit the water with his hands. I then put him on his belly, still holding him of course! 

"You going to kick your legs?" I cooed 

He then kicked his legs and giggled again. I put him back on my hip again and cheered. After about an hour in the pool I decided to get out and get Brody dry.

Once he was dry and ready for bed I went and put him down for the night. He looked so tired! Bless him. 

*Vote/comment, Will update again soon!*

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