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It has been a few days since we lost Brooklyn. Anna has hardly eaten anything and has also hardly spoken to any of us. I know how hard it has been but I need her to start eating, this happened when we was filming Pitch Perfect 2!

'Elizabeth can you come round and maybe sit with Anna? I need to take Charlie and Emily to school. I have been trying to get her to eat some breakfast for the past 2 hours xx' I texted 

Elizabeth is the next closest person to Anna. She texted back right away saying that she was leaving now. I am heart-broken, I really am but I still need to drop the kids off, cook for them and keep the house tidy. Anna would always help me with this but I honestly don't expect her to yet and I don't mind doing it myself, as long as she doesn't shut me out.

"I'm taking the kids to school baby, Elizabeth is on her way over okay?" I said softly 

She was currently on the sofa cuddled up in Emily's spongebob blanket. Emily gave it to her this morning because she looked cold. 

"Okay. I love you" She mumbled sadly 

"I love you too babe" I said and kissed her quickly before leaving 

The kids were already in the car. Charlie isn't talking to Anna because he thinks she is upset with him about it all since he was so horrible to her. She isn't upset with him, she just wants him to talk to her. 

"Charlie you need to talk to her, She wants to talk to you and just have a cuddle. You know she isn't mad or upset with you about what has happened" I told him and he nodded sadly


"Anna, I'm here" I heard Elizabeth say 

Her tone was soft and caring. She walked into the living room and sat next to me.

"Oh Ann" She sighed sadly 

I opened my arms and she scooted over and gave me a hug.

"It's going to be okay Ann. You just need to think that she is now happy with all the angels" She told me 

"Yeah, I just feel like it's my fault. If I had been happier and not been so stressed and worried all the time then I wouldn't have messed it all up" I whispered 

"You can't keep thinking this is your fault Hunny. You were stressed? That is normal Anna. You have such a busy job and it can't be helped but loosing her was not your fault okay?" 

I nodded sadly and put my head on her shoulder.

"Now are you going to eat some breakfast? Brittany told me you have hardly eaten anything these past few days. I don't need you getting any thinner than you already are, You are going to make yourself sick if you loose anymore weight so please eat like you used to" Elizabeth said 

"Okay" I mumbled

Why is everyone right? I know I should eat but I just don't want to. I just want to cuddle in this blanket. It was Emily's but it was so soft and warm. I loved it!

"Pancakes or Waffles?" Elizabeth asked from the kitchen 

"Pancakes please" I said 

As much as I didn't want any, Elizabeth's pancakes are amazing. I want to be like Brittany, getting on with life but I am just a mess. I know Britt is just as sad but she knows that we need to get on with life and look after the kids. I will try, I really will but I really don't think it will be easy. Maybe I need to just need to take my mind off it by going back to work? I know I have a lot of interviews, adverts and filming that I need doing so I will just tell Elizabeth that I am ready to get back into it. I needed to do this, I can't mope around the house any longer!

"Here you go love" She smiled and handed me my pancakes 

Not going to lie, They look amazing.

"I was just thinking that maybe I could go back to work? I know I have a lot of interviews, adverts and movies to do and waiting 5 months is just going to make it more stressful and a tight pact scheduled for me. It would be a lot easier for me to slowly get back into work now, I know you might not want me to but it might be good for me. To get my mind off things and to keep myself busy" I said as I ate my breakfast 

"If you feel like you want to then I will set that all up this week and then e-mail details of everything" She said 

"Yeah please, I just feel like sitting around the house isn't going to help anything" I said and she nodded 

"I shall be off to go and get all that sorted, there has been e-mails coming to me all the time about when you are going to be back in work so I can finally answer them" She smiled 

I thanked her and she left. I finished my pancakes, leaving a tiny bit since I was now full. To be fair there was 4 pancakes and I ate 3 and a half! I got up and headed to the kitchen to put my plate in the dishwasher. 

"Ann I'm back!" Brittany shouted from the front door

"Living room" I said 

"Elizabeth said you had breakfast, ThankYou" She smiled happily

"I'm going back to work, I need to get out of the house. I can't just sit around for the next few months, I just need to get it off my mind. I am going to be sad but sitting around the house will not help anything!"

"Ann are you sure?" She asked 

"Yeah, I want too, I haven't worked in ages and I just need to get out this house" I told her 

"Okay, Well I am proud of you"

I smiled and we had a cuddle on the sofa while watching another one of Britt's boring TV shows.

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