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"Mum! Can I go over to Jordan's after school?" Charlie shouted from his room 

"Stop shouting, Brody is asleep and no. I already told you that your dad is taking you to the dentist" I told him 

"I don't want to go to the dentist" He complained 

He was getting braces and he really didn't want them, he is only 10 which was quite annoying since most people get them about 12+ but I guess it's good having them a little earlier, get rid of them the time he is a teenager.

I was about to head downstairs when I heard Brody crying. What could possibly be wrong now! He only fell asleep about half an hour ago. I headed into his room to see him standing up in his cot, he is getting a toddler bed next week so that should be interesting.

"C-cuddle?" He cried out 

If Britt was here then she would say to ignore him and put him back to sleep, she thinks I am too soft and give in too easily with him but I can't just leave him. He never does this with Brittany because she does it and he now knows it won't work with her. Maybe I should try it, he can't keep getting his own way with me.

"No baby, you need to go back to sleep for a little bit" I told him 

I knew he was tired because he was up at 5 this morning, well everyone was since Emily was up early to go for some school cheer practice. I tucked him back up with his teddy and walked out. I heard him whimper once but he then just seemed to go back to sleep. That was easier than I thought it would be.

*The Next Day*

Charlie came back from the dentist about 2 hours ago and he has not stopped snapping at everyone, I know they are hurting him a little but honestly his attitude today is horrible.

"I strongly suggest you stop with the attitude, I get they hurt Charlie but snapping at everyone else is not going to help!" I told him 

He looked at me sadly and it broke my heart. I am honestly such a push over when it comes to this boy! I know he isn't snapping at us on purpose but it still needs to stop. I gave him a hug since he had a few tears rolling down his face.

"They hurt that much?" I asked 

"They don't hurt very much but everyone at school is going to laugh at me. Braces are just so gross mum" He said sadly 

"Aw Char, they won't. They suit you and you honestly don't look much different. If anyone does say anything then just ignore them. They will want you to react but you have to not because you will just end up getting in trouble with the school" I told him 

He nodded sadly and headed upstairs. I don't know why he thinks he will get laughed at because they don't look bad at all! 

"Are you going to take Brody to my mums or shall I?" Britt asked 

"Why is he going there? It's Monday and he normally goes on Tuesday" I said 

"She asked if she could see him today instead"

"You didn't think to ask me too? I was just about to take him and Charlie to see Elizabeth" I huffed 

"Believe it or not, he is my child too" She snapped 

What is with everyone snapping at me today!

"Did I say he wasn't? I think you should have said earlier or asked me about him going there today instead, you knew I was taking them both over to see Elizabeth today Brittany. Your mum will just have to see him today. Can't change something last minute, sorry" I said

I picked Brody up and called Charlie down, heading out to my car and putting Brody in his car seat, heading to see Elizabeth.

*Short but I haven't updated in so long! Will check for any mistakes later on!*

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