
978 26 3


I was currently sitting in a meeting with Charlie's school principle. Skylar was also here.

"Charlie was found with a lighter in his school bag this morning and that is clearly not okay and will not be aloud in school for the rest of the week. This is very serious. He could have done some serious damage with that!" He rambled

Someone is being a little over the top!

"Okay so what I want to know is why you were going threw my sons bag in the first place and why the hell would he have that with him? Someone has clearly put it in there!" I said, getting angry

"We check there bags every morning" He told us

"You wHAT?! I do not give you permission to search my sons stuff! You know I could get you fucking sued for this!" I spat

I know I couldn't get them sued but I was angry and I just thought I'd say that. Skylar told me to calm down a little and I huffed loudly, glaring at the man.

"There is no need to go that far Miss. Kendrick"

"No there is. I don't give you permission to go threw my sons things. I swear to god do it again and I will not be happy. You do not want to see me angry because I tell you now. It is not a good thing!" I told him

"I am not having our son taken out of school for the rest of the week because of something someone else has done. I know Charlie would never bring a lighter into school and he would have no where to get one in the first place. Also I am with Anna on this, go threw his bag again and it won't be the last that you see us up here" Skylar huffed

I really wanted to high five him but I am meant to be acting mature. Who am I kidding here. I am still a kid at heart. He then went and got Charlie so he could ask him some questions about it.


After some more shouting, from me of course. Temper is as short as Rebels chances of winning a marathon. Rebel does not run so the chance is non existent. Anyway, we got to go after that. Charlie came home since I wasn't having him in school today when the teacher still seems to think he is lying. I know he is telling the truth. Where the hell would he get a lighter from?! His so called friend Tom had asked him to put it in his bag until break time. Well when break came along he didn't, getting Charlie in trouble. It doesn't surprise me Tom had a lighter. since his family all smoke.

Today was Wednesday but since Charlie didn't stay at Skylar's last weekend since Skylar had filming to do he is staying there tonight until Sunday. It was only fair on Skylar and also Charlie. When we got home Charlie quickly went and got changed and then said goodbye to everyone before leaving. Skylar was waiting outside. I hate not having him home all the time but Skylar has stuck to his word with Charlie and he seems so happy so I have to accept that.

I was currently on the sofa when Em walked in the front door. Guessing she only had morning classes. She came and sat next to me and sighed as she put her head back.

"You alright Em?" I asked 

"Stressed. I have so much college work to and hardly any time"

"What work is it?"

"We all got a random book and we have to explain the one character and how they come across to the reader. I got Romeo and Juliet" She sighed 

"That sucks, I wish I could help but didn't go to college" I said and she laughed 

"Why can't I just become an actor or something and drop out of college!"

"Nothing is stopping you Em. You have an amazing voice so singing is always an option but I would wait until you are out of college. You only have 2 years, not even that, left" I told her 

"So if I get threw college will you and mum help me try and become a singer or something?" She asked 

"You need to think about it Em. I'm not going to agree if you don't want to do defiantly do it" I explained and she nodded 

She thanked me before heading upstairs to work on college stuff. I was now bored. Britt has taken Brody to get some new shoes. I would have gone but she was going with her mum as well and her mum just does not stop talking!

"EM!" I shouted 

She came downstairs and asked what I wanted.

"Want to do something? I'm bored and I know you aren't even doing your work"

"I'm not no, it's boring and yes! Can we go catch some Pokemon?" She asked 

"Yes! I am always wanting to go but no one ever wants to go with me! When did you get it?" I asked happily

Britt would never want to go for a drive with me because she calls me childish for playing it. There are men and women 25+ out there playing it so....

I grabbed my phone from the table and also my car keys and me and Em went out for a drive. Lets go fine Pokemon! The inner child is coming out.

*Vote or comment. It's pretty short but I will update again soon!*

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